Knowhow-Now Article

For a new homeowner, the cost of running a new home can at times be overwhelming, and even seasoned homeowners sometimes find themselves paying more than they'd like for home essentials like gas and electricity. If you suspect you're paying too much for your gas and electricity, the first thing you're going to need to do is compare prices with competitors.

Many homeowners who are unhappy with their service providers are reluctant to make a switch because they aren't confident about how to discern whether or not they're actually getting a better deal, and hesitate because they are worried they might be tricked into something they didn't want. Taking some time to understand your bills and how they are calculated will give you the tools you need to find a provider who gives you the best rate available.

Start by gathering your existing bills and seeing how much gas and electricity you're currently using, and how much it's costing. Pay close attention to the warmest and coldest months in the year, because your consumption will change based on factors such as temperature and hours of daylight.

Electricity consumption is generally measured in kilowatts, and is calculated and paid for in units. Each appliance in your home will use a different amount of electricity, which is translated into kilowatt hours. A unit is typically based on one kilowatt hour and there will be a rate per unit which your service provider charges you. The number of kilowatt hours you use each month and the unit price will be calculated and that's the number you see on your electricity bill.

When you're thinking about making a switch make sure you understand the cost per unit of your current provider, and have an understanding of how many kilowatt hours you regularly use. The price per unit doesn't always have to be your bottom line, and many service providers offer special packages and fixed rates to help you average your costs and save money.

Gas meters also measure in units and a similar calculation is made that determines the amount on your monthly bill. The price per unit will be multiplied against your usage, and will change at different points over the course of the year depending on how much gas you use. Most gas providers express units in cubic meters and then convert this into kilowatt hours.

Service providers sometimes give estimated bills if they do not have an updated metre reading, and often you can cut your costs down simply by making sure you are regularly updating and providing the actual reading to your gas company. Once you understand the basics, you'll be able to compare gas and electricity providers with confidence and find a provider who offers you the best deal and gives you an opportunity to save money. Many companies will provide both gas and electricity, and often provide incentives to use both services. By choosing one singular provider and reducing your consumption as much as possible, you'll have the best chance of saving money on your household bills.

Mildred Potts writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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