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Cremator's Revenge Book Review

Author, Margaret LeNois demonstrates excellent story-telling capabilities in her 272-page fiction novel, Cremator’s Revenge.
The title was perfect choice for the book. Here we have a very disturbed serial killer working as a cremator at the very graveyard where his beloved grandmother lay. Obsessed with her death, a twisted kind of religion, a benevolent hate for destitute people and being a loner, took a toll on him. It seemed, for a while at least, that refuge could be found in tending his beautiful gardens out in the Florida sunshine.
The author is brutally realistic and shows a true understanding of people in less privileged situations and the life circumstances that brought them there. We are shown how street people, or "streeters", survive the elements, avoid dangers and locate food. The huge benefits that the meals, clothes, showers and comfort that volunteers provide is a gift that cannot be measured for those who have no access to these things. The "streeters" creation of tight and protective substitute families, aid against the prejudice within society. And those that aim for greener pastures face huge challenges.
The heart-thumping pace is kept steady with the author’s skilled use of fear, righteous wrath and revenge - emotions that today’s society can relate to and on some level, even cheer. A tense romance triangle between a feisty reporter, a frustrated cop and a destitute military veteran really spices things up. There were sections of such chilling horror that I shivered, but couldn’t break away from reading just one more page.
I absolutely loved reading this psychological thriller and highly recommend it to readers who like a book that is hard to set down.
ISBN#: 0976773201
Author: Margaret M. LeNois
Publisher: A Better Be Write Publisher

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