Knowhow-Now Article

Designing A User Friendly Website

It seems as though today it is easier than ever to design your own website. All you really need is a little knowledge about computers and the Internet, and building your own site is really not that hard to do. Although websites can be thrown together with little effort, building a good website takes a lot of thought and careful planning. Making your website as user-friendly as possible is the key to a successful site. This article will give you some website design tips that will really help your site to thrive.

Adding a visual sitemap is important when designing your website. This is a link that opens up a map of your entire website. This allows users of your site to find what they are looking for quickly. When people can not find information on your site easily, more than likely they will go to a more user-friendly site. Making everything really easy to find will cause people to want to return to your site.

Tip: There are many newsletters available that distribute both proven and novel web design information. Sign for some of them to keep yourself inspired and give yourself a web design "safety net" you can rely on to maintain your base of knowledge on the subject.

When you are designing your website be sure not to forget your most basic pages. It is important to give your website visitors a way to contact you. A page that contains your email and any other ways you wish to be contacted is important. Including a link back to your homepage on every other page makes it easier for your visitors to navigate your website. People also love a frequently asked questions page to answer any questions they have. Be thoughtful in your website design and make sure that you have all your basic pages covered.

The best way to get good ideas for your own website is to check out other popular sites. Look at them from both a user and a designers perspective. Analyze what works and what does not work. This can help you to design the best possible website that you can. Take note of factors like links, images, color schemes and layout of the individual pages. Incorporate what you feel really works into your own site for ultimate success.

Tip: Becoming well-versed in many platforms will help you when designing multiple websites. You will benefit from becoming fluent in several platforms, including PHP and Java.

Before you begin actually designing your website, you want to take time to sketch out all of your ideas first. Once you begin the actual designing of the site it is easy to forget little important details. Just like with planning most other things, making a list will help to keep you on track. Having all of your plans mapped out ahead of time will ensure that you do not forget anything. When you are done with designing your actual website, refer back to your list to make sure you have included everything you had originally wanted to.

Web design has been getting easier for the average person to do themselves. When designing your site it should not be about how fast you design it, but how thoughtfully you plan it out. It is important to make it as user-friendly as possible. Use the advice from this article to apply to your designing to help you successfully run a great website.

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