Knowhow-Now Article

Did You Ever Wonder How Plasma TV Displays Work?

Plasma TV display technology is not only smart. It also
clearly represents high-tech in its truest and finest form
for video display as a rule.
Televisions for the past seventy-five years came from the
same technology that involves using cathode ray tubes.
With CRT TV, a beam of negative-charged particles called
electrons fires up inside of a huge glass tube.
The electrons then affect the phosphor atoms that are all
along the screen. These phosphor atoms start to light up in
A television image appears as the result of lighting up
certain areas of this phosphor solution with different
colors at varied intensities. This is so very unlike plasma
TV display.
Did you ever wonder how plasma TV displays work?
Plasma flat panel display is very different from CRT TV
technology. Not only does it possess larger screen size but
it is also only about two inches thick as well.
Plasma and CRT TV technology are two very different kinds
of technology altogether. Nevertheless, the one tie that
they share is the fact that they both do deliver different
lights at various intensities to create a wide spectrum of
many colors per se.
Plasma TV display has a very basic idea and that is to
light up little fluorescent lights that produce a TV image.
Flat panel TV technology contains three fluorescent lights
that make up each individual pixel. These pixels each
possess a red, green, and blue light that constitute the
fluorescent lights of a plasma TV screen.

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