Knowhow-Now Article

If you've been with several different energy providers to deliver your domestic gas and electricity in different properties or the same home, you will likely have noticed differences in the prices you were charged - even if your level of energy consumption did not change to a significant degree month to month. While this may be partly explained by changes in the highly variable energy markets over time, it also reflects the different pricing structures used by the various energy companies operating in the UK.

The deregulation of Britain's energy markets now offers more choice to consumers than before, and the resulting competition between the major suppliers has helped to keep prices as low as possible to cope with the energy supply crisis, as each provider aims to attract more customers than its rivals through discounts and special offers. If you've never considered switching energy supplier before, heading online to compare the different tariffs offered by the major companies in the field could help you to find a solution better suited to your situation, and you should also consider the different pricing options offered - such as fixed and variable tariffs.

Fixed tariffs may be offered for different lengths of time, and can offer greater financial security and peace of mind by freezing the cost of energy for the duration of the contract. This means you will be paying a pre-determined price per unit of gas and electricity consumed, regardless of changes in the energy markets - and this has made fixed price tariffs particularly popular following the recent price hikes in gas and electricity.

The potential downside to fixing your gas and electricity prices is that you could end up paying a higher rate if the market improves, which could make the more flexible option of variable rate tariffs more appealing. You are also more likely to find variable rate tariffs with shorter contracted terms, if you only wish to sign up for gas and electricity for three or six months rather than a full year.

If you're still unsure which energy company to use, asking around your friends and family to find out their experiences with different suppliers could help you to make your decision, as could reading online testimonials for different services. Browsing the official websites of energy companies can also be the best way to find the cheapest tariffs, as well as more specialised options that could be better suited to your living situation.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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