Knowhow-Now Article

Should I Create My Own Information Product?

Take a look around at successful internet marketers and you’ll see that nearly all of them have their own information products for sale. Creating and selling an information product is in my opinion THE key to success online. So the answer to your question ‘should I create my own information product’ is a definite and strong YES!


To start with you need to have a good idea for a product. It must be something people have a need for and which they will be willing to spend money on in order to get hold of.


Don’t dig too deep and don’t try to reinvent the wheel when it comes to creating your own information product – just take a look around at what is already selling. Go to the Clickbank Marketplace and see what are the top selling products in a particular category. Go to the Warrior forum and look at what is hot in the WSO forum or read the main discussion area and seek out the common questions that people are asking.


If you want to create your own information product you have several different options in terms of what you create – an information product can be an eBook or short report, an audio product, a video product or an online webinar for example. You could put all the information into one product or you could split it off into modules or a series of short reports.


Whatever you decide upon, creating something which you can call ‘MY own information product’ is definitely something you should do if you’re serious about your online business. Of course it is possible to make a great deal of money online simply by acting as an affiliate, but in my experience your own products are where the real money comes in. Imagine having an army of affiliates who drive traffic to your products whilst you take 50% of the revenue without doing anything – it IS possible!


The key to a successful and popular information product is to deliver true value in whatever you create – always give great content, over-deliver and under charge. That way you will achieve satisfied customers who will come back to you time and time again to spend money.

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