Knowhow-Now Article

Getting your house ready for Christmas can be a big job, particularly if you work from home, have a large family, or have moved since last Christmas and have lots of extra possessions still in boxes. Entertaining can be stressful, and if you are going to be hosting a large family gathering you will want your house to be as  clean and tidy as possible to make room for presents, the Christmas tree and any extra bedding that needs to be set out for guests.

You will probably need to have a big clear out before the festive season gets too far ahead – particularly if you have children you will need to get rid of all the toys that they have outgrown, to make room for the new ones that family and friends will be sure to give them!

If you live in the London area, you should be able to find a local rubbish collection and recycling service to come and take away your unwanted items and rubbish. London collection services should be easy to find, so have a check online for one that will operate collections in your area. If you want to get rid of re-usable items as well as rubbish, London collection teams should offer a recycling facility for old toys, games, clothes and shoes, for example. Even what we may think of as normal ‘rubbish’ can be recycled – plastic, cardboard and so on, so see if you can find a rubbish disposal service that has a high recycling rate. An environmentally friendly approach to rubbish disposal is something that you can only get from a collection service – if you hired a skip to fill with your unwanted items, you wouldn’t be able to specify that they be recycled.

When you are clearing out your rubbish, London recycling and collection companies should provide staff members to come and pick up your rubbish – you will need to bag it ready for collection. Have a look online for a company to use, and check how you need to get your rubbish ready for collection. Companies should send a large truck so even if you have a very large load they can accommodate your needs. Staff should then come and remove your rubbish for you (all you should be required to do is give them access), so these kind of collection services are great if you retired, pregnant or ill, and unable to lift and move your rubbish yourself. Ideally, you should try and find companies that offer small collection windows for picking up your rubbish. London businesses shouldn’t keep you waiting around all day for your collection, particularly during the festive period when you are likely to be busier than normal. Even if you don’t have much rubbish, London waste collection services should be able to accommodate small loads without charging you extra (companies that don’t charge cancellation fees are also a great find). Look online to find a service in your local area, and get your waste disposed of quickly, easily and responsibly.

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