Knowhow-Now Article

Everything You Need To Know About Acne

Acne or commonly known as zits or pimples are skin inflammation affecting 87% of the total US population. They usually appear during puberty because of abnormal response of the body to the male hormone known as testosterone.


Tip: One of the cheapest and simplest things that you can do in order to prevent or treat acne is to apply a honey mask to your face. This will greatly reduce acne because honey contains antibacterial properties that is good for healing and disinfecting blemishes.

Until now, the causes of acne are still being investigated. However, scientific studies show that it can be hereditary. Other factors linked to zits are the following:

1. Skin irritation.

Tip: To prevent the spread of an acne breakout, do not pick or pop your pimples. Although it is tempting to try and pop a zit that has appeared on your face, doing so is the easiest way to spread bacteria from that pimple onto the rest of your face - causing a larger breakout.

2. Use of Anabolic steroids. Most body builders are taking these synthetic hormones for faster growth of muscles and bone tissues.

3. Stress that increase hormones from adrenal glands.

Tip: To help control your acne, take on a 'less is more' approach. Use only one or two skincare products, so your skin can have the opportunity to heal by itself.

4. Exposure to chlorine compounds like chlorinated dioxins.


Tip: If you suffer from acne breakouts, you may want to make a few changes to your diet in order to ensure that you are getting enough of the vitamins and nutrients that promote healthy skin. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc are all critically important if you want your skin to look its best.

Most people who are suffering from acne on their teens notice decrease or total disappearance of acne when they reach their early twenties without seeking treatment. However, there are some who are suffering from it for decades. The following are proven treatment against acne.

1. Exfoliation.

Tip: A great, cooling way to get rid of pimples is by putting aloe vera juice directly over the pimple. It is a natural remedy that can be taken directly from the aloe plant or purchased in any drug store.

This can be done through the use of liquid scrub, abrasive cloth, or other exfoliating agents that allow the skin to peel to prevent dead skin cells build-up. This process also unblocks clogged pores.

2. Antibiotics.

Tip: Try an aspirin mask to help treat acne. Crush a few aspirin with enough water to make a thick paste, and apply to your face.

There are 2 kinds of antibiotics that are being used to treat acne: These are topical antibiotics and oral antibiotics.

Topical antibiotics are applied directly to the affected area. They are being used to remove bacteria trapped on the follicles. This is more popular compare to oral antibiotics because it eliminates possible side effects like drug interactions or stomach upset.

Tip: To clear up and prevent acne, increase your zinc intake. There's been recent evidence, showing that too little zinc in your diet, can actually be a cause of acne.

Oral antibiotics on the other hand regulate cell behaviour and reduce oil secretion to unclog the pores.

3. Hormonal treatments.

Tip: Natural skin care products may help you get rid of acne. In general, products derived directly from natural plants are not as harsh as more complex chemicals and work more harmoniously with your skin.

This treatment works best for females. Oral contraceptive pills contains progestogen and oestrogen that can help in reducing acne. Some dermatologists administer an injection containing cortisone directly to a large pimple that reduces inflammation and redness almost immediately.

Advanced treatments

Tip: You should remove all your makeup each night before bed. This keep the makeup from clogging your pores and causing blemishes.

Dermatologists are now considering the use of laser surgery not only to reduce acne scars but also to prevent acne formation. This can be done by burning the sebaceous gland and follicle sac to induce oxygen that kills the bacteria causing acne. This is recommended to people who are suffering from severe acne.

Acne scars

Tip: Join some online acne forums. These communities can be great places to talk to fellow suffers and share advice and reviews about various acne products and coping strategies.

Severe acne leaves scars that are very expensive and difficult to treat. Although there are no guarantees that acne scars will be removed completely, there are scar treatments that lessen them. These are the following:

1. Dermabrasions.

Tip: If you have very serious acne or blotches on your face, you may want to opt for a chemical peel. When you get a chemical peel, certain acids are applied to your skin to eliminate the first layer.

This treatment removes the top layer of the skin using high-speed wire brush making the acne scar less visible. People who are suffering from severe acne will need multiple treatments to get desired results. This can only be done by cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists.

2. Microdermabrasion.

Tip: To prevent spreading pimple-causing dirt and germs to your face, be sure not to touch your face unnecessarily during the day. When you touch your skin, it introduces oils from your hands, as well as germs from anything you have been touching to the surface of your face.

The newest technique in dermatology that enhances dermabrasion. This is being done by rubbing tiny crystals on the affected area using suction tool.

3. Chemical peeling.

Tip: Pay attention to the kind of lotion you are using. If you are prone to acne, try using a lighter lotion.

This treatment uses organic acid like salicylic, glycolic, or lactic acid to remove the top layer of the skin so that smoother layer will surface. This is generally painless and does not require anaesthetic.


Tip: If you breakout on your neck or body try a cleanser that has benzoyl peroxide. This ingredient helps to kill the excess bacteria that is on your skin and prevents future acne breakouts from forming.

Several books were introduced in the market stating that acne can be prevented by following strict diet and avoiding dairy products. They also suggest that adequate exercise and proper hygiene can save anyone from acne problem.

Acne can be a tough case however, knowing how to keep it away from your face is the strongest weapon you can have to enjoy a beautiful face and life.

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