Knowhow-Now Article

Finding The Best Location For Your Bali Villa Rental

Bali has hundreds of beautiful tourist spots that are all worth seeing, so when you ask yourself what the best location would be for your Bali villa rental, the answer would depend on what you want to see. Each village in Bali has villas (ranging from comfortable to downright luxurious) for its guests to enjoy. Here are some of the most popular places that you might consider as the best location for you Bali villa rental over the holidays.

Surfing Places

Kuta Beach just might be the ideal place for you if water sports are your thing and you are just beginning to master the art of surfing. It is a good place for beginners with what surfers call a “soft” tide and average height waves. The beach is never deserted; there are always lifeguards around. It is quite easy to find a villa in this area since it is extremely popular with tourists. A benefit on the side is that it is a good place to meet people and mingle.

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Canggu Beach is the best location for your Bali villa rental if you are not quite a beginner. This place is a mere half hour away from Kuta and is a popular surfing spot too. The waves there vary from soft waves to fast “rippable” breaks so there is something for everyone – even for experts who would meet quite a challenge when the tide is up. It is also a quieter place than Kuta and except for a few shops (warungs) selling food, you won’t find the usual touristy souvenir stores.

Diving Areas

Four of the best loved diving areas in Bali are Tulamben Bay, Amed, Lipah Bay and Gili Tepekong. If diving is a major part of your agenda, a good location for you Bali villa rental would be someplace near any if these sites.

Tip: Try and leave important valuables at home. If you bring a lot of valuables with you, you have a greater chance of losing them or having them stolen.

Tulamben has an amazingly diverse underwater ecosystem and each of its three dive sites are totally different from one another. Amed, in the southern part of Bali’s eastern coastline also has three dive sites which are located in what used to be a salt mining village. Then there is the Lipah shipwreck in Lipah village which is found at the north end of Lipah Bay. Finally, there is Gili Tepekong – a unique dive in that you have a big volcanic hump jutting out from the water and underwater, off the side of this formation, you have the most incredible corals and vegetation.

Mountain Climbing

If mountain climbing is one of the things you want to do while in Bali, take your pick of the three most popular mountains to climb. The best location for your Bali villa rental would then be somewhere near the mountain of your choice.

Tip: Travelling doesn't always mean you have to venture towards the other side of the world for something new. You may enjoy yourself right around your home or in a neighboring state.

Gunung Batakau is actually an extinct volcano and going up and down its slippery slope is considered quite an undertaking. If you are curious about Gunung Batur then ask the locals before you start your climb whether it is safe to go up or not. This is actually an active volcano! Another active volcano, Gunung Agung is also one of the top three mountains to climb in Bali and it seems better behaved (in general) than Gunung Batur.

All three mountains take the better part of the day to climb up and down from. Locals and experts say that the best time to climb (therefore the best time to book your villa) is July because the mountains are not as slippery during this month. The only thing is that in July the heat is something to contend with.

Going up these three mountains is an experience like no other. While climbing you are sure to see a dozen or more temples – interesting sights in themselves. If you have a good guide, the endemic species in the area will be pointed out to you. You will surely come across a vegetable farm or two, probably some apes and the sight of steam escaping from rocks along the way.

Bali offers you an incredibly wide range for choosing the best location for your Bali villa rental. Yes, there is a place for everyone in Bali – even for people who just want to shop, rest and go no farther than a private pool for a swim.

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