Knowhow-Now Article

Five Tips To Boost Self Esteem When Hair Is Thinning

Hair loss affects millions of people annually, and the effects are not limited to aesthetics. The onset of this event can trigger feelings of humiliation, embarrassment and even depression. However, hair loss can only take this toll on your self esteem if you allow that to happen. You have the power to change your mindset during this time. The following tips can help take control of your attitude and your self esteem.

1. Don't hesitate to talk to your family and friends about how your hair loss makes you feel. It's natural to feel down about it, but the loved ones in your life will likely tell you that it makes no difference in how they feel about you. Believe them when they say it. You may think you know that already, but actually hearing them speak the words will do wonders for how you feel.

Tip: Talk to your doctor if you feel the hair loss you are experiencing is not normal. It is completely normal to lose between 50 to 100 hairs a day.

2. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your hair loss. You may discover what is causing your hair loss, or you may discover that you are medically sound and have no serious issues that could be causing it. Either way, the information is valuable. If you have an underlying medical condition, you need to know about it. If you find out that you don't have one, you can save yourself from the stress of wondering and move one.

3. Participate in an online support forum for hair loss. These forums are plentiful, so if you find you don't like one, you can try another. And, you can remain anonymous, so discussing your hair loss will be much easier than it might be person-to-person. Talking about your hair loss with people that have been there/done that can go a long way to promote a positive attitude.

Tip: If you are losing your hair choose natural conditioners and hair and scalp treatments that are rich in amino acids and proteins to naturally thicken the individual hair shafts. This will give the impression of thicker and fuller hair.

4. Go see a hairdresser. Even if you fancy yourself as someone who doesn't need that type of frill, go. You'll be surprised at what the right hair stylist can do for your look. It's possible that your new look will be better than your old one, even sans hair, and you'd be remiss to not check out this option.

5. Forget about your hair, or lack thereof. Seriously, forget about it. Treatments and prevention methods won't work for everyone. At some point, some people have to resign themselves to the fact that they are losing their hair and there is nothing that they can do about it. If that's you, don't despair. When you are out of options, your worry can actually disappear, making it easier for you to focus on all the good stuff that surrounds you. And that's when you'll start enjoying your life to its fullest.

Life is short. Don't waste time worrying about lost or thinning hair. If you can do something to stop it from happening, by all means do it. But, if you can't, move forward with your life and appreciate what you do have. Maintaining healthy esteem can also go a long way to nurturing your health, and may even fend off hair loss in the first place.

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