Knowhow-Now Article

Five Ways To Feed Your Family For Less

Depending on the size of your household, the cost of food may be one of your largest expenses each month. If you want to slash your food budget without sacrificing nutrition, here are five tips you can use.

1. Shop at discount stores. While the supermarket probably offers a wider selection of products, discount stores like Aldi or Sav-a-lot offer massive savings due to lower overhead, private labels, and a smaller selection of items. Products like cereal, milk, eggs, rice, and produce taste the same as their more expensive counterparts at the supermarket, and you may be surprised by the quality of the meat, frozen goods, lunch meat, cheese and other staples, too.

Tip: If you are self-employed, don't forget to deduct your insurance premiums on your taxes. The premium amount you deduct will reduce your adjusted gross income and you can use it even if you do not itemize your deductions.

2. Buy in bulk whenever possible. For items that you purchase frequently, purchasing larger quantities is often less expensive. Large packages of ground beef, chicken, pork chops and other meats can easily be divided and wrapped into meal-sized portions to store in the freezer. Some butchers will even cut large cuts of meat into steaks or chops for you at no cost. Large bags of rice, beans, cereal and other nonperishable items are usually cheaper per ounce, too. Just ensure that you store items like cereal in airtight containers to prevent staleness once the package is opened. The same principle goes for single-serving packages of food, too. Purchasing regular-sized bags of chips, cookies, crackers and other foods and dividing them into portions yourself may take a little time, but it saves a significant amount of money.

3. Shop sales and clip coupons--but only for items that you will actually use. While the "extreme couponing" craze has captured the nation, be smart about using them. Coupons are only practical if you will use the items you purchase and if you cannot get a better deal elsewhere. The same goes with in-store sales. There's no sense in purchasing 20 jars of spaghetti sauce your family can't stand. Also, keep in mind that coupons are most often available for foods high in fat, sugar, and preservatives. Keeping these processed foods to a minimum, coupon or not, will help your bottom line and your family's health.

Tip: To discourage yourself from spending recklessly, start tracking all of your expenditures. This works in the same way as a food diary does for dieters.

4. Shop the farmer's market. Farmer's markets are great sources of produce, and if you are lucky, yours may also offer natural peanut butters, dairy products, flowers and other farm-fresh goods. Try to balance quality and price; while certain items may be a bit higher than what you pay at the store, the food is often fresher, meaning it will stay good long enough to be used.

5. Cook at home rather than eating out whenever possible. Fast food, takeout, pizza, and restaurant meals can take a huge bite out of your food budget. Learn to recreate your favorite restaurant fare at home; not only will it be less expensive, but you can control the ingredients that go into each dish.

With these five tips, you can save big money on groceries each month and still feed your family hearty, healthy meals.

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