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Flying With Children: A Parent's Guide

When you have kids, it shouldn't restrict you from visiting far-away lands. When those children are small, they can make long plane rides a living hell, not only for you, but for other passengers as well. How can you stop the insanity? Preparation is key, so check out all of the advice below to find out how you can travel by plane with kids without making a scene.

Tip: Before packing, make a list. You can start your list anytime before you travel.

In order to be able to choose where on the plane you end up, you need to book early. If you feel that being close to the washroom is important, like when you are potty training, the earlier you book, the more likely you are to get a close seat. Find a schematic of the plane you plan to fly on so you know which seat you want when you call for your ticket. If you are quick to tell them the exact location, you will make their job a lot easier.

Tip: If you travel to a foreign city, keep a lookout for people pretending to be police or law enforcement. Do not let anyone have your passport unless you are sure they are legitimate.

If your child is small enough, you should have them fly in a car seat. There are seats which are intended for flying which you often can rent at the airport or from a local company. Renting means you don't have to splash out, plus you can use it during your trip as well. Leaving yours at home can really reduce your headache. Find out what your options are locally, at the airport and with the airline and then locate a seat, if you wish.

Tip: Even when on long flights, never assume the airline will provide everything you need. Bring your own pillow, blanket and headphones if you think you will need them.

Your carry-on luggage will need to contain a ton of things for your kids to do. Just in case they get bored, you should be able to provide them with something new every 30 minutes or so. Bring coloring paper and pencils (don't bring markers as they can damage the seats), games, electronic devices (which you can mute), a favorite plush toy, whatever will keep them entertained. Remember that some items can be borrowed from the stewards, such as a pillow and blanket, so only pack that which you can't get during the flight.

Tip: Purchase tickets online for any attraction you may be visiting. The small fee for such a service is worth it to avoid long lines.

Kids get hungry, and the food on the plane is expensive. On top of that, salty nuts aren't healthy, and many kids won't even like them. Bring your own snacks so your kids won't whine about starving to death the whole way across the sky. Choose healthy, filling options which won't make a mess, like a sliced apple. Skip dips, popcorn or trail mix as it's more likely to end up on the floor than in their mouth. If you have a very small child, don't forget to bring some bottles, even if you fill them only with warm water. A hungry or thirsty child is an unhappy child.

Now that you know how to fly in peace, you need to start preparing. The earlier you begin, the more you will accomplish. Not only will you get to your destination with a smile on your face, you won't upset anyone else on your flight. Being a good parent starts by being a good person, and when you work hard to ensure others aren't inconvenienced by your kids, you are proving your worth.

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