Knowhow-Now Article

Follow These 3 Hot Tips When Selling Your Home

Selling a house is probably one of the biggest sales we will do in our life, in most cases we are talking about selling something to a value over $100,000. If you do not treat the sale as a property sale, and sell it the way that you sell everything else, then you may be losing out on thousands of dollars. The last thing that you want to do is lose money that you should be making, especially if you have probably been paying a bank interest, as you want to claw back all you can. So to help you ensure that you get the best deal on your property, take the following advice into account.

First Impressions

Tip: The price makes all the difference. In order to facilitate the sale of your home, it is important to make your asking price reasonable for the area in which you have your home in order to bring in interested buyers.

Yes it is true. First impressions last, especially when it comes to property. When you visit someone’s house the first thing you look at is the garden. If you see it full of flowers then you know that the owners are respectable, and the house will be just as much loved. However, walk into a garden full of empty cans, long grass, and rusting bikes, and you think the owners don’t care, and the house will probably also be in a state. The first one you may consider paying a bit more on, the latter you will be looking for a decent discount.

So the point of this is to ensure that if you have a garden, front or back, it has to be in excellent condition, and well maintained. If that means employing a gardener for a few hundred dollars, then do it. It may just add a four figure sum to the offer someone makes you.

Fresh Looking Inside

If you have wallpaper hanging off the walls, scraped paint, cobwebs, and any other manner of things that say neglect, then deal with them. If this means having the whole house redecorated then that is what you do. This may seem strange on a house you will be selling, but it has been shown time and time again, that people will pay more for a fresh and well looked after house, than one that will need a lot of work when they move in. If you have worn carpets, have them replaced with the cheapest stuff you can find. The value of what you use is irrelevant, as long as the house looks good.

Kitchen And Bathroom

These are really the two main rooms that people concentrate on, so these are the ones you need to put more effort into. If your bathroom is aged, then you’ll be surprised how little it costs to replace the bath, sink and toilet. Vinyl flooring is very cheap for bathrooms and kitchens, so you have no reason to have worn floors. As for the kitchen, if any of the doors and drawers are broke, then replace or repair them. If the cabinets look old, then a coat of white paint will bring them back to life.

By following this advice, you are more likely to get an offer around the price that you are asking, ignore them and people will try and haggle you down.

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