Knowhow-Now Article

Gas Saving Tips

The price of gasoline is on the rise. This is truly a great concern if you are following a tight budget. So how can you save some money on gas? Read these tips.

The carpool system

Tip: If you are materially successful in life, eventually you will get to the point where you have more assets that you did in the past. Unless you are continually looking at your insurance policies and adjusting liability, you may find yourself underinsured and at risk of losing more than you should if a liability claim is made.

This is a great idea for employees and students alike. Since all of you will have the same destination, there is no need to bring extra vehicles if you can all fit in one car or van. If you are with your co-workers, it is a good idea to bring your cars alternately or on rotation. If you have children that you bring to school or social events, exchange driving responsibilities with your friends.

Commute to work

Tip: If you do not have great personal finances be sure that you do not make it worse. If you have bad credit, for example, do not try to get credit that you can not afford.

You can always take the public transportation system when going to the office. This is also a good way to relax since you are not driving. You can even take a short nap while on your way.

Look at the prices of different gas stations

Tip: If you are trying to save money or need to tighten your budget, consider these tips to lower your monthly bills. Raise the deductible on your car insurance, downgrade your cell phone plan and cut out eating out.

Take time to drive around and check the pump prices of the gas stations near your neighborhood. Keep in mind that a few cents difference can add up to a lot if you continually have your car re-filled in the same gas station all the time.

Shed some sweat

Tip: To establish a good credit history or repair a bad one, you will want to keep your credit card balances low. You should never let your balance get anywhere near your maximum credit line.

A good way to save money on gas and keep yourself healthy at the same time is by walking or riding a bike to your destination. It saves time since you do not have to look for parking and also makes you healthier from the exercise. Utilizing these alternatives will also keep you from getting stuck in traffic which will surely waste a lot of your time and gas.

Keep your car in very good condition

Tip: Always balance your checkbook so you can make sure that there are no mistakes on your bank statements. You need to become personally responsible for your own finances, instead of hoping that someone at your bank will notice any discrepancies.

It is necessary to keep your car's engine in good running condition so that it will not consume a lot of fuel. When driving around on errands, plan out your route before you even get out of the house. This will minimize your trips going back and forth. If is also ideal to use the aircon as minimal as possible since it drastically increases the car's fuel consumption.

Check your car's tire pressure

Tip: If your doctor prescribes medicine for you that you will need to take for a while, ask for a sample before you leave the office. This allows you to determine if the medication is effective, and if you can tolerate it, before you pay for it yourself.

Keep it a habit to check your car's tires so each one has the right amount of pressure. Having unequal pressure can greatly affect the car's fuel economy. It is also advised for you to refrain from accelerating too fast since this means burning a lot more fuel.

These are some of the things that you can do to save on gas. Gasoline is not a renewable resource, therefore using it wisely is very important to conserve this valuable commodity.

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