Knowhow-Now Article

General Instructions For Adults With Dyslexia

As an adult, after you undergo a formal dyslexia assessment, your psychologist would give you some general instructions on how you can deal with problems that dyslexia can bring about. This is done since as an adult, you are expected to understand and know already how dyslexia affects your life whether emotionally, socially, financially and the likes.

Being an adult you are also expected to be able to deal with these problems, provided that you are given correct instructions and advice. So here are some of the general instructions that a psychologist may give you after your formal assessment yields a positive result for the condition.

Acceptance And Information

When you are diagnosed to have dyslexia, the very first thing you can do to help yourself is to accept your condition. Denial can not do you any good. That’s why this may be the first thing that your psychologist would want to deal with, especially if they see that you have a very low self motivation regarding your problem.

Another general concern would be the people around you. Of course people that you meet and mingle with everyday has a big part in your life. This is especially true if you are working or studying. Letting them know and understand about your condition is the second best thing that you can do to help yourself.

By simply informing them and making them understand your condition, other people can make compensations and considerations for you. They can understand you better and stop thinking misleading thoughts about you.

The support of your family and friends is also important for your progress if ever you need to undergo special training. That’s why your psychologist may instruct you to tell them about your condition; so that they can provide the support and assistance that you may need during your training.

Special Considerations

Your psychologist would also likely discuss with you about special considerations. He or she may make a recommendation to your professors or any authority that you be allowed to have extra time, or other special arrangements, when taking any kind of examination or test. This is to ensure that your specific difficulties due to dyslexia would not improperly affect your performance during examinations.

Other Types Of Support

Another general instruction that can be given to you would be about the other types of support that you may need other than your family and friends. This support can be obtained by having a computer, which can greatly help you achieve tasks that you may have difficulty completing due to your condition.

Your psychologist would likely tell you about how and where you can get computers that has this kind of function. They may also recommend you to seek help from certain organizations that can provide such kind of gadgets.

Special Courses

You would also be briefed about your options regarding special courses that you can have. There are short courses that are specially planned to improve your performance in specific areas that you may be having difficulties with.

The courses usually include areas like reading, spelling, study-skills, report-writing, revision making, exam techniques, general organization and time-management. These areas are the common areas in which dyslexic people are having difficulties with.

Individualized Learning Program

You also have the option to have an individualized learning program. Your psychologist would tell you about how this kind of program works and the benefits it can give you.

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