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Goa, that is counted as the smallest state of India by area is the part of the region popularly known as Konkan. Situated in South west India, the state has Maharashtra at its northern border, whereas the state of Karnataka surrounds it in east and the south direction. Arabian Sea, at its west constitutes the Goan coast. It was declared as the best state by 11th finance commission of India for over whelming development of infrastructure in the state as well the quality of life as lived by its citizens. This and much more tempt a person to include Goa package tour into his itinerary.


Panaji is the state capital and Vasco da Gama is its largest city. On a Goa trip, one must visit the historic and rich city of Margao that still presents the cultural Influence of the Portuguese, who ruled the state for about 450 years and annexed by India in 1961. There are many places to visit in Goa, however, it is best known for its beaches, churches and world heritage architecture. Further, Goa travel guide introduces a person with its very rich flora and fauna, due to its location on the Western Ghat, which is the most rain infested area of India. The Western Ghats in Goa are termed and classified as a biodiversity hotspot.


Goa too abounds in and for its river and river systems. The prominent rivers of Goa are the Mandovi, the Zuari, the Terekhol, Chapora River and the Sal. The Mormugao harbour on the mouth of the River Zuari is known as one of the best natural natural harbours in South Asia. The Zuari and the Mondovi drain about 70% of the geographic area of Goa. Goa has more than forty estuarine, eight marine and about ninety riverine islands, awesome, this is a real treat to be enjoyed on the Goa tour packages.


Some of the oldest rocks in the Indian subcontinent can be discovered in Goa between Molem and Anmod on Goa's border attaching with Karnataka. The rocks are classified as Trondjemeitic Gneiss with an estimated age of about 3,600 million years. Most of the tourist attraction in Goa is concentrated around its coastal areas with a decrease in activity as a person moves away from the coastal areas. It is annually visited by about three million tourists, domestic as well as international. The Goa has two prominent tourist seasons, winter and summer.

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