Knowhow-Now Article

Golf Swing Technique And How To Improve It

There are two approaches to achieving a better golf swing. There is improving your physical capabilities…and improving your golf swing technique.

Tip: Develop a good position to improve your overall skills. Your position plays a large role in the distance that your shot will achieve.

How many times has your teaching pro recommended a golf swing technique change and you couldn’t do it no matter how many balls you hit? It’s because you didn’t have the “physical capability” to successfully make the change and repeat it.

Tip: Flexibility in the arms is important in order to have a great golf swing. You should stretch, relax, and workout as much as you can.

For example, if you didn’t have adequate core strength and flexibility, you would be unable to create and maintain the “x-factor”, or the separation between the hip rotation and shoulder rotation, therefore losing force and ultimately distance.

But by implementing simple, golf exercises…it is possible to develop the ability to execute these key actions, which result in greater clubhead speed, force and distance.

Identifying your weak points, and doing golf-specific exercises to replicate the specific action will allow you to achieve the specific golf swing technique change effectively.

I’ve seen some very simple, yet effective golf exercises and stretches that when implemented and done consistently can result in substantial increases in driving distance and accuracy.

Creating specific exercises related to your teaching pros golf swing technique recommendations can give you the quickest results…that are lasting.

Tip: You can improve your swing by using your entire body. A lot of beginners think their arms should carry the swing and end up with a weak swing by employing this misconception.

Suffice it to say…the development of your physical abilities…especially strength and flexibility…plays a critical role in not only improving your golf swing technique…but in hitting the ball farther and much straighter.

The bottom line…your golf swing technique is dictated by your physical capabilities.

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