Knowhow-Now Article

Good Advice For Successfully Marketing Your Articles

Article marketing baffles many people, but that is because they don't take the time to really research and learn more about the process. There is actually no education required to be successful in article marketing, but it is essential that you learn the basics, the concepts, and the logistics involved, along with great information, which will be provided in these tips.

Try to avoid using the keywords that everyone else is using. Instead, look for unique keywords so that your articles face lower competition in the search engine world. If you can find just a few unique and interesting keywords, you can easily dominate the search engines for that particular phrase.

Before you sign up with an article directory, you want to make sure that you are familiar with the site. You should make sure you understand the guidelines for submission, as well as the writer interface. Understanding these guidelines are vital in order for you to continue using this directory.

Tip: Find a picture that goes with your article. It can be funny, cute, or simply a picture of what your article is about.


If you are writing articles you need to make sure that you are writing unique content on subjects that may be of interest to many viewers. Nobody wants to read articles that are clearly versions of previously written articles and many people will not want to read articles on topics that are too obscure.

To be successful at article marketing you have to make writing a priority. One technique that works well is to set aside a block of time daily just for writing. To be effective you must close your door, turn off your cellphone, and avoid interruptions for the duration of your writing time. Your productivity will skyrocket if you fully commit in this way.

Tip: With there being so many different people on-line, you want to make sure that your advertisements are being viewed by the correct target audience. If your company sells women's purses, it would not be very beneficial or profitable to market your product on a men's health site.

The biggest mistakes that commonly occur in article marketing are simple. The first is that you never sit down and get started writing. The second is to write articles that are not encouraging your reader to take action on something, and third is that you are sharing too much information in the article and leave the reader no reason to check out your site.

Don't forget that writing is a process with steps. Most of us cannot just sit down and bang out a 600 word article. It can be incredibly overwhelming. Break your writing down into short bits. Brainstorm for what you want to write about. Determine what you want your paragraphs to focus on. It is a lot easier to do one chunk of the process at a time.

Article Directories

Tip: When writing an article within your niche, it isn't enough to say that you know something. Be sure to back up your knowledge with solid references.

Make a goal for your article marketing. Work on one submitting articles to one site until you really know it well and have written and submitted several articles successfully. Give yourself about two weeks to focus only on one new site. Then start submitting to another article marketing site. Work up to submitting two to three articles each week to each of the five top article directories.

Never submit the same article to different article directories. There are plenty of other article marketing directories, but your articles will be penalized in the search engines when you try to submit the same ones to a lot of different directories. Practice getting your articles done in 10 to 15 minutes, so that it's no big deal to write a new one up and submit it.

In order to sell your articles, buyers need to be able to find them. Submitting your articles to the top 10 article directories will ensure that this happens. Listing with all 10 sites, gives you the best chance of your article being listed in search engine results and found by interested buyers.

Tip: Make sure to create a creative, interesting short description. This information is underneath your title in search engine results.

Consider using BuildMyRank and similar private blog networks in conjunction with article directories and public blog networks to build your page rank. Submitting your article and spun versions to all of those locations can boost your search engine results page rank in a very short time, getting you close to the top.

Affiliate Links

To make income on your written articles, you need to make sure that you have your own website. It's okay to have a 1000 word article, as long as you keep the articles that you submit to article directories around 500 or 700 words. You can also have offers and affiliate links on your own site to grab your reader's attention so as to make your site more valuable to your customers.

Taking your time and making a great effort to learning about article marketing and how it can really work, you can gain a greater foothold in the process for your own business. Even if you just need a few pointers on finding the best services online, you could use these tips to get a greater understanding of just how you get article marketing to be an asset to your business.

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