Knowhow-Now Article

Guide To Golf Swing

Many golf beginners drop their hut and surrender because they experience frustrations in the execution of their swing. This should not happen because swing is doable for every one even for kids and seniors. The most common mistake of beginning golfers is that they try to give as much strength they can muster in the execution of their swing. This is not necessary because fluidity in motion and direction driven swing is what is necessary.

Of course, as anything physics, understanding the concept is easy but execution is always the issues. If you have noticed, I said physics. This is because golf swing is all physics. You will need to follow certain anglings and mind your movement to create fluidity of motion and giving direction to your ball.

I hope I can help you improve your golf swing by giving you some of the useful tips on how to execute the proper golf swing.

Tip: When golfing it is good etiquette to either turn off your phone or keep it on vibrate. Golfers need to pay attention while they are golfing and stay focused on their shot.

Parts of a golf swing


What is the backswing?

Tip: Consider and exercise plan in addition to lessons when you want to improve your golf game. Developing a plan will help you approach exercise with the knowledge that it will pay off on the green.

The backswing is the where you begin your effort to give direction and control to the golf club. A good backswing sets the stage for that perfect swing, if you do not feel your body coil as you give power to your club, it may not be a perfect way to move forward into the downswing.

It is imperative that your execution of the full swing starting from your backswing will give the fluidity and strength to the club and ultimately the ball.

What is the downswing?

Tip: H

In here is where you will transfer all the power you mustered into the ball and send it off rolling. The alignment, stance and grip will define this moment and thus, the result of the swing.

There are three phases of downswing, which happens in less than a second. The phases are shifting from the backswing, rotating and finally hitting the ball.

Upon impact will you only know if you did the swing right or failed in your attempt. If you slice, hook or shank the ball, do not worry. Even professional commit this mistake many times.

Tip: Before you take your shot bend your knees slightly. Keeping your knees bent will allow you to create equilibrium with the ground as it will provide a more comfortable base to drive through the ball.

To execute your swing well you may need a mentor to guide you, choose a mentor and surely, in time, you will be able to execute you swing well.

However, this is not the end. There is but one more part of the actual golf swing, the follow-through.

What is the follow-through?

Tip: Are you having trouble slicing the ball away from you? Did the ball leave you in the shape of a banana? This is easy to fix. Move 2 inches closer to the ball so that your ball is just an inch away from the hosel.

It is in the follow-through where you release all the force and finishes the swing. Your position in the follow-through will tell if you did the full swing perfectly and thus sending your ball to the hole.

You will surely be able to say that you did the full swing well if your follow-through gives you the position where you chest faces your target. The follow-through will also send your clubface accelerating upon impact. The perfect swing does not stop upon hitting the ball; the follow-through finishes your swing and defines the delivery of the ball to the target.

Like in any game, there is no overnight success in playing golf. Even, golf professional you see on television started long before to master that perfect golf swing. It is for you to practice and ensure that every mistake is noted and every game is improved.

Do not be afraid of poor stroke, but try to improve every time and practice. This is the only way to hit the ball to the hole.

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