Knowhow-Now Article

Guide To Golfing For Seniors

Are you above 50 years old? Do you stop playing golf because you fear injury? If you still want to play, you may need to make some adjustments on how you grip your golf club. This is to ensure that you will not develop golfer’s wrist or hamate bone.

What is golfer’s wrist?

Golfer’s wrist is an injury in the wrist where you feel tenderness and pain. This injury may need surgery and takes time to heal. To help senior golfers, Johnny Miller has a revised his teaching to conform to the senior’s bone condition. Following his instructions will help you continue enjoying the game and avoiding injury.

Tip: Be sure to choose a travel golf bag that is long enough for your longest driver and has enough slots for all the clubs you want to bring. If you want to travel light, you may just get a travel bag for a half-set of clubs.

Swing for seniors

The concepts of golf swing for seniors is just like the golf swing for younger players, your start from the backswing, then hit the ball on the downswing and make a follow-through. However, one minor revision that Johnny Miller teaches is to cock the hands on the backswing and keep the right elbow close to the hip.

While for younger players, back swing is done by stretching the arms fully to make a wide arc as you bring down the club towards the downswing. Cocking the club will come later, as compared to the senior where cocking comes earlier.

Tip: It is important to replace divots that you have made when you are golfing. Every golfer misses a ball now and then.

Still the swing needs power, but seniors are advised to be more strategic rather than exert greater power that may put them at risk. If you usually reach 300 yards when you are younger, hitting the ball after 50 can be 200 yards or less. You only need to make sure that the direction is still there.

Stretching is necessary

If you are more than 50 and you still want to enjoy golfing and other fun activities, it may help to prepare yourself for the physicality of the activities.

Tip: Don't play with dirty golf clubs. The grooves on the face of your clubs are there for a reason.

Do some stretching exercises on a regular basis. This will help you prepare for any game you want to enjoy including golf.

To help you continue improving your game even after age 50, you may need a mentor that knows golf and should be more than 50 as well. Why is this so, this is to make sure that your mentor or coach understands the risk and thus will be able to teach you techniques that will not lead to problems later on.

Golfer’s wrist is painful and even if it is detected early, it may need months to heal and surgery in inevitable.

Tip: Take the time to read up on golf course etiquette before hitting the course. Simple gaffes like moving while someone is putting or hitting out of turn can lead to mistakes by your playing partners or others out on the course.

Thus, to make sure you will not succumb to hamate bone or golfer’s wrist, ensure proper handling of the golf club. If you may need to change your golf club for a comfortable game, then do it.

You however do not need to purchase costly golf clubs; your comfort is the focus and you should try to look for your golf club intelligently.

Finally, walking is another form of exercise; avoid using the golf cart. However, if you must make sure it is what your coach has advised. Your doctor should also have a say, if you can continue golf. Thus, check him out first before you continue golfing.

As a senior citizen, you will need to look after your health. Exercise is good but please your doctor needs to know what activities you get yourself into. He will therefore give you the advice you need. If golfing is allowed, then, do it and enjoy playing.

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