Knowhow-Now Article

Guide To Pro Golf

Do you play golf for money? Teach golf or run golf clubs? If so, you are then golf professional or colloquially called pro golfer. If you want to play in an amateur tournament, you cannot. Even if you have received money for playing golf even just once, you will be able to go back to your amateur status.

Therefore, if you are already a professional golfer, you can only join professional golfers’ tournament. There are many golf tournaments for professional golfers and you surely will enjoy your status as professional golfer.

However, if you have received money for playing golf only once, and that you are not so confident in joining professional golf tournament, you may therefore transfer your knowledge to other means. That is, teach golf to beginners, run golf courses or enter the business of selling golf equipments.

Tip: When golfing it is important to remember to park your golf cart in an area that is not going to distract or block other golfers from being able to play through a hole. You should park away from the tees or the greens if you want to be a considerate golfer.

For professional golfers, it is also necessary that you join golf associations this will give you variety of options should competing on tournament is no longer your intention.

If you however are an amateur, you may of course want to become a professional golfer. Professional golfers are mostly the elite and rich individuals to play golf for pleasure. However, once a professional golfer, it is almost impossible for you to go back to your status as an amateur. Thus, as an amateur learn everything you can and join tournaments to improve your game and enjoy the moment.

This is because once you have reach the level of a professional golfer, there may already be limited options for you. You may either play on professional golfers’ tournaments or teach the craft to new players.

Tip: Spend some solid time out on the range in order to really solidify the correct distances for your irons. It's vital out on the course that you know what to expect when you choose any given club.

As mentioned, mostly professional golfers are the elite and rich individuals, but if you are like me, I get bored easily, you may need to divert your golf knowledge into more useful endeavors.

You might just as well, develop your own golf course and run a golfing club. You may still enjoy playing and teaching new and aspirant golfers.

Your experience and advice will be invaluable for beginning golfers and you will surely feel the importance of being a professional golfer helping them.

Tip: Since you golf as if there was a pendulum around your shoulders, you will feel some pain and discomfort in your shoulders and in your back. Be in tune to your body, you do not want to pull anything.

Some of the things you need to teach younger players include the following:

- Proper choice of golf clubs

- Rules and regulations of golfing

Tip: To test your grip for the right firmness, shorten your thumb. Place your left hand on your club in its normal grip with the thumb pointing down.

- Golf etiquette

- Techniques on how to deliver the perfect swing, which you may have mastered by now

- Patience, which is extremely important in this game

Tip: Golf is a very popular game for business associates, as you will probably be taken out for a round if you are in the finance sector. If this happens, try to limit your competitive nature and try to have fun with the people that you work for.

These are only a few of the teachings you may need to transfer to younger golf players.

Another option is for you to develop a website that will help golfers from other parts of the world. Give the advice that will make them play a better game.

Finally, because surely you have experience an injury or two while playing golf, you may also help develop a forum in which you can help golfers avoid injury and this includes avoiding hamate bone or golfer’s wrist.

We love seeing professional golfers and you surely have our respect, enjoy and have fun playing and helping new golfers.

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