Knowhow-Now Article

Hair Loss Solutions…Bonafide Cures Or Bald Face Lies?


Tip: You need to talk to a doctor about the possibility of seborrheic dermatitis if you notice that you are losing your hair, have an itchy scalp and have formed thin scales on your scalp. Your doctor should be able to recommend the best treatment for you which may include a prescription shampoo, or an OTC one made specifically for your condition.

Very much a highlighted news topic, the stem cell research controversy continues. Reasons for the “need” of research include possible help for persons with terminal cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury…and hair loss.

Tip: There are hair products on the market that are not good to use on your hair. You should choose your hair products carefully and be aware of the products that can cause hair damage.

Hair loss is an important subject for the many men and women who experience it. The careless remarks and gratuitous jokes about baldness made by people with full heads of hair only add to their humiliation. Some people even experience anger that their hairline threatens to become as receded as the waters of the Red Sea for the Hebrews so many years ago.

Tip: Vitamin C could be an easy and effective way to prevent further hair loss. Vitamin C will stimulate blood flow to your scalp, and help your capillaries to carry your blood to your hair follicles.

Countless people wonder whether or not there really exists a cure for hair loss. Before we answer that question, we should first answer the questions, “What is hair loss?” and “What causes it?”

What is Hair Loss?

Tip: Blend honey, cinnamon and olive oil into a mixture. The combination of these ingredients can strengthen the hair and scalp.

The term “Alopecia,” more commonly known as “baldness,” includes various disorders that involve the lack of hair where it would normally grow; especially when it involves the head. The most common form of baldness is a progressive hair-thinning condition that occurs in some adults.

Tip: You can begin to lose your hair at any point in life, so young men should not feel ashamed if their hair begins to thin early. For many men, hair loss can begin to occur during their college years, while in extreme cases it can start in high school.

Each piece of hair has a follicle located at the end of the hair shaft. Follicles act as the hair’s incubator;” it is where the hair is produced. Each strand of hair has a matrix, located at the base of the follicle. Cells in this area produce keratin, a tough protein that makes up the hair shaft, and melanin. Melanin stains the keratin, giving hair its color.

Tip: Use hair care products specially designed for thinning hair. A lot of normal shampoos and conditioners have no benefits for balding.

The activity of each follicle is dependant on surrounding follicles. Healthy hair follicles continuously grow. About 85% of the hair follicles on a healthy scalp are actively growing at the same time, and hair loss is not a problem.

Tip: Think carefully before deciding to wear a wig. Wigs can damage your scalp and cause any hair you have left to fall out.

Each strand of hair continues to grow for about 4 years, before going into a dormant period of about 4 months. On an average, only about 15% of the total amount of hair follicles on a healthy scalp is dormant at any one time. It is when a higher percentage of hair follicles stop growing at one time that hair loss becomes a problem.

What Happens During Hair Loss

Tip: If you're sick, you should ensure you are taking proper care of yourself. If you do not take care of your body by taking prescribed medication, or do the things advised by a doctor, your body will have to work harder to repair itself and to stay alive.

Follicles are nourished by a network of capillaries, bringing nutrients to the base of the follicle. The amount of blood available to the scalp and to the follicles is determined by the health of the capillaries in the scalp, as well as the arteries in the neck and temple.

Tip: B12 is available in a variety of sources. It is available in supplements and many foods, such as beef and chicken.

Problems develop when hair follicles do not receive proper nourishment. For instance, some women experience noticeable hair thinning after menopause, after the production of estrogen slows down or stops. Hair loss in women is usually more diffuse then in men. Women seldom have bold spots; a large area of the head may show sparse hair growth instead. Only about 15% of women are afflicted by such a high degree of hair loss that it becomes obvious.

Tip: Use a blend of olive oil and rosemary on your hair. Rosemary helps make it shiny and strong.

In men the hormone DHT can harm hair follicles, making them shrink, or cause them to prematurely enter into the resting stage of the hair cycle. When this happens the result is often the characteristic U-shaped pattern of hair loss at the top of the head.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Tip: Look into your past to find a reason for hair loss. If you've had significant events in your life or have changed medicines in the last quarter, that can cause hair to fall out.

Predisposition can be one factor as to why one person begins losing their hair as they age, while another person does not. Various other disorders, such as obesity, allergies, and diabetes can also be attributed to predisposition. Sometimes hair loss can be the result of side effects caused by certain prescription drugs. Of course, these factors can often be countered.

Tip: Using emu oil on the scalp and hair may help. Apply the oil to your scalp every night before bed.

Where you may not be able to reverse predisposition, you can sometimes contain it. By changing lifestyle, maintaining a customized healthcare regimen, and eating a well-balanced diet, many such factors can be alleviated or turned around.

More about Hair Loss

Tip: Hair loss that comes on suddenly but has no explanation can be caused by stress. A home or work environment that is high-stress will make you lose much more hair than normal.

When it comes counteracting or slowing down the process of hair loss, products such as Rogaine, Dutasteride, and Propecia can help. Scalp exercises and massages using special preparations can also help.

Tip: If thinning hair is beginning to worry you, you may want to revitalize hair growth by stimulating the scalp. Do this by brushing your scalp vigorously with a brush that has hard bristles; only do this when your hair is completely dry.

Telogen Effluvium (TE) is a type of hair loss more common in women then men. It is characterized by high numbers of hairs that enter into the resting stage of the hair cycle, all at one time. This usually causes profuse shedding, as opposed to bald patches. This can be an overwhelming experience for women, especially those who once had luxuriant hair.

Tip: Thoroughly research hair loss treatments and hair restoration methods, so you are more aware of what they contain and what the active ingredients do. You may find that certain products are worth the extra expense.

TE can be brought on by prolonged emotional or physical stress, severe illness, post-pregnancy hormone changes, or crash dieting. Once the triggering factor has been removed, TE hair loss usually stops. Hair can grow back in even without treatment, usually in 6 months to a year.

Tip: Allow you hair ample time to grow thicker and fuller before you cut it. If you run to the stylist every time your hair gets a little long and frizzy, your hair will become weaker over time.

With proper treatment, hair growth can be accelerated. Some professionals recommend bringing the level of iron stored in the body up to 70 or 80 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter). The range of iron normally stored in a woman’s body might be between 12 – 50; the lower end not high enough to speed hair growth.

Rogaine can also be used for a few months to start the TE recovery process; once hair does begin to grow back in, Rogaine use can stop.

Tip: Start incorporating more protein into your diet. A lack of protein can cause hair loss problems, so be sure to eat plenty of protein.

As mentioned earlier, crash dieting can trigger TE in both men and women. As a matter of fact, diets of less than 1,200 calories a day can trigger sudden hair loss. This is especially true of diets low in protein. When the body lacks proper protein it “borrows” by shifting healthy hairs into dormancy to conserve protein.

Tip: Refrain from attempting to style hair while it is still wet. Even being too assertive while drying can result in damage.

Although hair loss resulting from inadequate diets is most often temporary, it can result in permanent loss of hair in persons genetically predetermined towards hair loss. Also, extreme weight loss in men can increase the production of androgens – male sex hormones that kill hair follicles. Once hair follicles are destroyed, there can be no re-growth of hair.

Tip: Another way to prevent hair loss is by giving your scalp a gentle massage with your fingers. Massaging your scalp warms the skin and opens up blood vessels, helping your circulation to increase.

In part-2 we of this article we discuss effective treatments for hair loss and where to go for help. Visit Writers Write Now for part 2, “What can be done about Hair Loss.”

©2006 Lori S. Anton
Writers Write Now

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