Knowhow-Now Article

Handling The Unexpected When Cleaning Foreclosed Homes

Buying foreclosed homes is turning out to be a hot deal these days for real estate companies. These properties are creating great opportunities to buy marvelous homes at low, low prices but require extensive cleaning and, sometimes, even major repairs. From seemingly ugly exteriors like lawns with unruly growths, dilapidated fences and faded paints to cluttered interiors with stained floor tiles and creaking cabinets – foreclosed homes are a vexation to buyers. But wait till some cleaning has been done, when everything is squeaky clean, gleaming and not a nail out of place; you know the effort has paid off when buyers start bidding more than you expected.

If your business is cleaning foreclosed homes, you must have seen countless homes underwent a major transformation right under your watchful eye. If you are a new kid on the block, don’t get shocked with what you are to witness. Yours is not a glamorous business; but it can offer you profits that can support a glamorous lifestyle after work.

How do you prepare for the “unglamorous” jobs you must prepare for when cleaning foreclosed homes?

• Always wear protective gear. You and your cleaning team must always don protective gears in order to be on the safe side when doing the dirty jobs. Vacated and foreclosed homes can be full of perils – rusty nails and screws, broken glasses, splinters of woods, toxic fumes, insects and animals, etc. This means donning working gloves, goggles when the job entails handling objects and fumes that can harm your eyes, face masks and proper working clothes and shoes.

• Keep a set of hand tools. So many odd jobs will require that you use hammer, screwdrivers, handsaws, and staple guns among others. Each cleaner needs to have his own set for greater efficiency. You can invest on special tools, but if your capital is not enough, you can subcontract some jobs like electrical. Contractors for electrical jobs are supposed to come with their own tools. Nevertheless, be clear with this when contracting subcontractors.

• Be ready for the unexpected. Being ready means having the right tool and skill or work force to attend to the problem. Toilets that are not flushed can emit obnoxious odors as well as uneaten food left for months or years. Animals, pests, and insects can proliferate like rodents and roaches. Garbage and detestable human wastes can really be very infuriating. Some trash left behind is sometimes too unbelievable; but better believe it can be worse and the going may just get easier.

• Handling disease-causing fungi and bacteria. Molds, which are actually thick fungal colonies, are so revolting when they start to spread in homes that have always been damp because of the weather. Bacteria can also be colonizing the homes you are cleaning. These microorganisms can be contagious or cause you and the other cleaners health problems. Thus, it is important to have disinfectants and deodorizers that can make your job easier to handle and your health uncompromised.

• What to do with recyclables, reusable, and other things with value. If the owners have left in haste, chances are there can be many valuables that were left. What are you going to do with them? As “cleaners,” you are only supposed to clean the grounds and the homes. You can dispose the trash that has no value, but those items that can be classified as valuable must be put together in a container and surrendered to the real estate company or bank that hired you. You are not supposed to take anything that is there.

Cleaning foreclosed homes is indeed a profitable business, but it is not for everyone. If you think you have the stomach to go for it, make sure that you and your staff or subcontractors can handle the job.

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