Knowhow-Now Article

Here Are Some Helpful Tips On How To Find The Right House For Your Family

Are you in the market for a new home? Then you are probably very excited. Buying a home is truly a major event in life. Most of us only buy two or three homes over our entire lifetime, so it is not something we are terribly experienced at. Therefore, keep in mind a few of these tips that will help you buy the right house for your family.

First off, you must how much house you can afford. If you can't afford to pay more than $200,000 for a home, why look at homes that sell for $300,000? It will only frustrate you.

Secondly, decide ahead of time where you want to live. If you want to live in a specific school district, or close to work, limit your searches to those areas. Don't divert from your plan unless it becomes obvious you will not able to find a house in the area you want.

Tip: When you are in real estate negotiations, be sure to keep your approach moderate. Many people get too aggressive so that they can get a great deal, and they end up overdoing it and losing it.

Before you ever get started, make a list of what you are looking for in a home. Divide the list into three columns. The first column is what you HAVE to have in a home. The second column includes things you CANNOT have. The third column includes the things you would LIKE to have. Now let's take a look at each column.

The first column includes features of a house that you must have. For instance, if you have a family with two daughters, a son and a live-in grandmother, you must have a minimum of four bedrooms. Don't even bother to look at anything with less. A minimum of four bedrooms is non negotiable.

Let's go to column number two. This is a list of features you CANNOT have. Let's say you have a serious knee or heart problem and climbing up and down steps is dangerous. As a result, you cannot live in a two story house. Period. So don't even look at homes that have more than one story.

Tip: You can often find bargain prices on homes requiring a large number of repairs and improvements. This gives you great negotiating power, meaning you will save a lot on the home purchase.

The third column includes the things you would like to have. This column gives you some wiggle room. Things like a finished basement or four bathrooms instead of two will go on this list.

Okay. When you are ready to go out and actually look at houses, refer to your list. Don't even look at houses that don't have features you must have --- or do have features you can't have.

Now you can prioritize your remaining list by price, neighborhood and the features you would like to have. For instance, you might consider having additional bathrooms to be more important than a finished basement.

Do all of these steps before you go out and look at homes and it will help you by removing some of the emotion out of buying. For instance, you may walk into a house and fall in love with it. But if you buy that house, and it does not meet your criteria, you will eventually be sorry.

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