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An exclusive interview with Rebecca Wang in Hollywood Weekly revealed the personality of a woman who trusts her instincts and believes in transforming her aesthetic dreams into surreal realism. The executor producer of recent release the “Passion Play movie “starring Megan Fox, Mickey Rourke and Bill Murray, is surrounded with a scintillating backdrop of love and passion and the act of redemption. Rebecca Wang shares her experience of working with cast and crew of the movie with gleaming enthusiasm while elaborating different stories and perspectives while producing the movie.

The innocence and purity of love is certainly maintained, as Rebecca Wang Entertainment ideally portrayed how passionate love can be, even under the strangest of circumstances. The personal interview with Rebecca Wang was recently published in the July edition of Hollywood weekly as she shared some personal experiences, aspects of film production, her choice for exotic and picturesque locations, and how the script attracted her to get involved in the production.

Since passion Play is a thought evoking and inspiring movie, Hollywood weekly asked Rebecca on what inspired her to become executive producer for such a contemporary fairytale, which surrounds redemption and optimization. She went on to elegantly describe how the script and the project induced her to be the part of it, in addition to the amazing cast. She further explained how the cast and crew were so involved with the venture and producing such a light hearted movie that for many on the set it was like their own fairytale had come true.

Passion Play idealizes the magnetic beauty of the surrounding nature in the backdrop of exotic locations in New Mexico to amplify shots of the movie. Rebecca Wang justified it heartedly as she felt as a producer; that an interesting destination that can help the actors emote their emotions perfectly and will ideally symbolize their characters.

During her session with Hollywood weekly, Rebecca Wang was quoted describing her relationship with writer/ director (Mitch Glazer) saying” Mitch is a talented screenwriter and is always ambitious about his projects. Our artistic differences made diverse approaches towards our perspective towards movie though, but I was sure about his capabilities and directorial skills".

Her personal take on actors was phenomenal as she told Hollywood weekly how they got so involved with the project and portrayed unconventional roles with total dedication and seriousness. She shared her views on fashion and art and how their presence in her life influenced several of her decisions in favor of such exquisite approach. Her experience in art and fashion industry eventually bridged her thinking of producing such angelic production venture.

She went on to describe her fondness for Disney conceptualized movies with adult thinking, which evokes thought awakening concepts and took the example of Hollywood blockbuster “Rabbit hole” and described it as an ultimate work of art with some ravishing and extraordinarily applauding performances by actors including Nicole Kidman.

Interviewing such a great personality was undoubtedly a great experience for Hollywood weekly as they acknowledged the intellectual power and the sense of elegance and commitment, which is certainly difficult to find. HW went on to congratulate for her first production using Rebecca Wang Entertainments, which proudly presented the “Passion Play movie.

To know more about Rebecca Wang and to get latest updates on her movies, gossips, upcoming projects, work and life, visit her official site - Also read more about one of her Hollywood blockbusters – Passion Play, an innovative story starring leading casts.

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