Knowhow-Now Article

Hot Tips To Prevent Hair Loss!

While Androgenetic Alopecia is the number one reason why individuals experience hair loss, it is not the only one. Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, ringworm and fungal infections can cause hair loss. Certain medications such as blood thinners, gout medication, birth control pills and too much vitamin A can cause sudden or abnormal hair loss as can following a crash diet, sudden hormonal changes, chemotherapy and radiation. If you are taking prescription medications, talk to your doctor and find out if your medication is contributing to your hair loss.

Tip: To help hair loss, massage your scalp. This helps the blood circulate in your scalp.

At any given time 10% of our hair is in what is called a "resting phase" and after 2-3 months resting, hair falls out and new hair grows in its place. Some people, however, experience more hair loss than is normal.

Over here are some excellent resources on how to prevent further hair loss:

Avoid mega-doses of vitamin A. Too much vitamin A can cause your hair to fall out.

Tip: Thoroughly research hair loss treatments and hair restoration methods, so you are more aware of what they contain and what the active ingredients do. You may discover that some products are worth their heftier price.

Exercise, do yoga, meditate or find some other practice that will help to reduce your anxiety and stress levels. If you wear pigtails, cornrows, use a curling iron, hair dryer or hot rollers, try changing your hair style to one that puts less pressure and stress on your hair and scalp.

Tip: Use a mixture of coconut oil and lime juice to prevent hair loss. Apply the mixture everyday for best results.

If hot oil treatments or chemicals such as those used in permanents are causing inflammation to the scalp, discontinue their use, or reduce the number of times you are using them.

Use gentle shampoos and conditioners to avoid any unnecessary damage to your hair.

Tip: If you're feeling depressed about losing your hair, try focusing on some of the benefits. One of the best things about going bald is that you do not have to style your hair every again.

In men, herbs such as saw palmetto and licorice root help block the formation of DHT. The same holds true for supplementation with zinc. As an added benefit, studies show that these supplements can also help prevent prostate enlargement.

Massage your scalp with rosemary oil in an olive oil base. Both rosemary oil and massaging the scalp can stimulate the circulation in the scalp and promote hair growth. Again, if you are experiencing hair loss, check with your doctor to ensure that a more serious disorder isn't the cause.

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