Knowhow-Now Article

How To Arm Your Child With A Bully Proof Vest

Bullying is on the rise these days. It has even reached cyberspace. But you can prepare your child to help stop them from becoming a victim. Here are some ways to arm your child against bullying.
Bullying can take many forms. The most common form is taunts and jokes at a child’s expense by other kids. In some cases, bullying turns violent and there is physical contact. Today, it has reached the Internet and you can’t even tell who is doing the bullying in some cases because malicious emails and texts can be untraceable.
It can be scary for parents to think that they could be sending their child to school to experience all of this instead of learning. But, it is a fact of life so the way to get through it is to be proactive. Talk to your child about bullying and then give them the advice that will help keep them safe.
Tips for your Child to Avoid Bullying
It may be that your child doesn’t experience bullying. Count them blessed. But, if they do or if they have a friend that is enduring it, here are some tips that you can pass on to them.
Encourage them to be themselves – Bullies look for children who are easy prey. They may be of a different race, culture, religion or even shy and introverted. Bullies look for what is different about another child and try to exploit it by making fun of it. Let your child know not to be ashamed of who they are. Accept them and they will more readily accept themselves.
Walk away – It takes a lot more courage to turn your back and not answer the taunts. Your child’s first instinct might be to refute the rumors and gossip, but that will only encourage the bully. They thrive on gaining control of your emotions. Instead, take a deep breath, turn and walk away leaving them standing there. The wind is taken out of their sails and they will eventually leave your child alone because they are not getting the response they wanted.
Change the rules – Your child doesn’t have to skip lunch to avoid the bully. Instead of bringing lunch money, they can pack their lunch. And, they can stick with a friend or two that they trust. If the bully wants their hat, they can stop wearing one temporarily to keep the bully from bothering them.
Encourage communications with a family member – If your child is not ready to talk to you, ask a sibling to help. They may see them as more on their level. They can confuse in them and also get advice on how to deal with a bully.
Bullying is scary for parents and children. Arm your child with love, a strong sense of self and good communication to help them fight back.

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