Knowhow-Now Article

How To Choose The Right Restaurant Dishes For Special Occasions

When you celebrate special occasions in restaurants instead of putting together a party at home, you get the bonus of being free from the cooking and the post-party clean up. Sometimes, these two benefits are good enough to warrant the expense. Still, it is good to invest some planning in the selection of what restaurant dishes for special occasions. A good rule to follow would be to let the event and the celebrant be the main focus of the place and the menu. With this in mind, everything should follow smoothly.

Dining out on Valentine’s Day

Tip: Use a strainer spoon to remove fat from the top of cooled stew and soups. If your soup has a lot of fat, try cooling it and letting the fat rise up.

A romantic dinner on Valentine’s Day should include your special date’s favorite food if you know it. If you don’t have the name of the specific dish then the next best thing would be if you at least had an idea of the type of food he or she likes. Remember that some restaurants are noted for their steaks, some for their fusion cuisine, some for their seafood and some for their special way with chicken. So, do find the necessary information - this way you can make sure that something on the menu will be to his or her taste. Now if you need some help deciding just in case he or she asks you to do the ordering, meat eaters usually love fillet mignon or beef bourguignon, chicken lovers usually like chicken a’ la king or coq au vin and seafood fanciers usually find lobster thermidor delicious. Take note that all of these dishes could be quite pricey. It would also be good to know if the restaurant serves champagne or chocolate bonbons or heart-shaped desserts that would add a romantic touch.

Celebrating Mother’s Day

Tip: There is a great trick to thicken up your sauce so it isn't wasted. You need to mix 2 tablespoons filled with water and 1 tablespoon filled with corn starch in a bowl.

If you are planning to take your mother out for dinner, preparations are made easier by your knowledge of her tastes. If she has a favorite restaurant, that is the place to take her. Most probably, this establishment has her favorite restaurant dishes for special occasions available. Your only problem would be making sure there is space for you.

Graduation Treats

Tip: You should try and dry your tomatoes on your own. Start by slicing a ripe tomato one-half inch thick, or you can cut Roma tomatoes in half lengthwise.

Graduation treats are normally family affairs that can become quite disorganized if you allow everyone to choose their own food. Restaurants will allow you to order the food beforehand and just bring it in when it is time to eat. This is where you really need to do some research and find out which restaurant dishes for special occasions would be liked by almost everyone in your party. You probably have a fairly good idea of what people like but it wouldn’t hurt to confer with at least one or two people in the guest list. There are some old faithful choices that most people like: steak, roast beef, fancy versions of fried chicken, and prime rib. A lot of people like shrimp and seafood but if you are order it for a big group, there’s quite a chance that one or two people will be allergic. Stick to safer choices.

Birthday Dinners

Tip: Do you ever have difficulty determining how long you should grill your meat? A well-manufactured meat thermometer, especially a precision digital model, is always a sound method of seeing to it that the inside of your meat is cooked thoroughly. Thicker cuts of meat should be cooked with the grill lid shut, in order to reduce the amount of time cooking and maximize juiciness.

Formal birthday dinners are not too difficult to organize if you keep in mind what the celebrant likes. Keep everything streamlined and simple, pick the dishes that the birthday boy or girl likes and make sure you have a birthday cake that is truly festive.

Choosing the perfect restaurant dish for the right occasion is important when you dine out and want things to be just right. This is not at all impossible to do if you apply yourself to it. A little research, a little chatting, a phone call here and there and you are all set for a really nice time.

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