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How To Evaluate A Web Host

If you own a website, you know how important it is for you to have your website hosted with a reliable service. Hosting services are a dime a dozen, but a reliable host is worth its weight in gold. A bad host with bad service can make your life miserable. If you want to know how you can find a good web host, read this article for some suggestions.

A host usually offers several hosting plans at different levels of need. The basic plan usually costs the least. Determine how much storage you will need for your web files. If you plan to upload a lot of images, or if you choose post a video, you will need enough storage for your files.

Tip: Don't fall for scams or agree to pay for hidden costs. Many hosts talk about low prices, but then they add a lot of extra fees.

You should also find out how much bandwidth your hosting plan offers. Think about how much traffic your website receives, and what kinds of files need to load on the web page. All the bytes transfered back and forth add up to your total data transfer. If you have a lot of traffic going through your website, you may need a high data transfer limit, or better yet, no limit.

Ask your web host what operating system they use to run their server. Usually, it is either Unix or Windows. A Unix-based plan is usually cheaper than Windows because running a Windows server costs the hosting company more. The additional cost is passed to you.

Tip: How will you contact your hosting provider in times of crisis? A company with good customer service will be able to be contacted 24 hours a day, either through phone, email or chat support. This will cause you less headaches, if something unexpected happens.

Ask your host about the features that are available on the control panel. This is the interface that you will use to manage your account and domain. You can install popular applications with just one click. Find out how to back up and restore your files. A control panel with an easy-to-use interface makes it easier for you to manage your website.

If you need a secure server to host an online store, ask about its availability. This feature may only be offered at a higher tier because a secure server requires addition maintenance on the host's part.

Tip: Visit the website of the hosting company you are thinking of going with. Those who cannot design their website well should not be contacted.

Sometimes your website may need to run various scripts. Find out if your hosting plan supports the type of script that you want want run. Beware of plans that have many restrictions because that may limit your ability to expand and improve in the future.

Ask your host if they have their own servers tech support staff in-house. Some hosts are actually just resellers of leased server space, so they really do not own any equipment. Having the equipment and staff in-house has advantages. For one thing, your host is more in control of troubleshooting when a problem arises. If the equipment is actually located far away, it may take longer for technical problems to be resolved.

Consider these points when you are evaluating web hosts. Take your time with your evaluation. Your web host is your business partner in managing your website. So, find one who is dependable, trustworthy and responsive. A good web host can grow with your business for many years to come.

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