Knowhow-Now Article

Fat loss requires burning more calories than you take in. However, that doesn't necessarily mean eating less. What you eat is just as important as how much you eat. If you're filling up on processed and fast foods, then your body will store those empty calories. However, eating frequent, protein rich meals will boost your metabolism and keep you from overeating. Before you know it, ripped abs will emerge from beneath a layer of abdominal fat. In this article, we'll tell you how to get six pack abs by using a combination of healthy eating and pain free exercises.

If you don't carefully monitor your diet and give your body the fuel it needs, then the road to sexy 6 pack abs will be a long one. For the results of your abs training to really show, you have to shed the fat that lies on top. Cardio exercises like running, walking, cycling or dancing will get your heart pumping and calories burning. You also have to do exercises that will target belly fat and strengthen your core. A reverse crunch is an effective exercise that is not as taxing as a regular crunch. Lie flat on the floor with your knees at a 90-degree angle and your feet a few inches off the floor. Keep your legs together and place your hands at your sides. If you are more advanced, place you hands behind your ears. Focus on contracting your abdominals to lift your hips up and in toward your rib case. Exhale as you contract and inhale to return to starting position. Done correctly, this exercise isolates the lower abs. Be careful so that you do not lower your back.

Exercises that help you develop hard abs can be done just about anywhere. If you spend much of your time seated at your desk, then you can borrow some techniques from yoga and Pilates. A stability ball is an excellent tool for strengthening your core and improving your balance. You can also use the bubble used by physical therapists. Get a large ball and make sure that it is well inflated. Substitute the ball for your chair. It will work your stomach muscles by forcing you to sit up straight and balancing your weight. If you find that you start experiencing back pain, alternate between the chair and the ball.

How to get six pack abs become more difficult as the body ages because it tends to store more fat. However, with the right genetics and a strict exercise plan, even people in their 30s and 40s can have a lean stomach. Genetically, women are at a disadvantage when it comes abdominal exercises because their bodies store more fat than those of men. This makes a good diet even more important. Every good diet should begin with breakfast. This gets your metabolism going so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode and start hording fat for energy. Even if you're late, try to have a bowl of whole grain cereal or instant oatmeal. Avoid heavy bagels, white bread and sugary cereals.

Experts say that ab workouts should be performed two to three times weekly. If you exercise consistently, you will notice a significant difference in the strength and tone of your entire torso within six weeks. The combination of low calorie and high energy foods, and exercise is how to get six pack abs.

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