Knowhow-Now Article

How To Get A Cheap Bali Villa Rental

If you are all set for a trip to Bali and this is one trip where you want more local color and privacy, the best way to get both would be for you to rent your own villa. However, your initial search for villas may yield results with a price range of $3000 or more and your budget may be considerably less. If this holds true for you, then read on for some tips on how you can get a cheap Bali villa rental for yourself.

A Realistic View of What Cheap Means

First of all, when you try to look for a cheap Bali villa rental, it is necessary to have a realistic view of what rates are everywhere. Although Bali is in Southeast Asia and everything is generally cheaper in that part of the world, it is first important to remember that Bali is an internationally famous tourist destination. Therefore, you can expect things to be not quite as cheap as you might want them to be. As a whole, however, the cost of goods and services there still fall well within the definition of cheap when compared to the cost of living in New York, San Francisco or Orange County, CA.

Comparing Rental Costs

As far as rent is concerned, Bali still offers very reasonable deals. A clean room in a decent chain hotel or motel in California costs about 70 US dollars a day or more. In Bali, this can get you a 1-bedroom poolside villa and a housekeeper who brings you a continental breakfast in the mornings.

Compared to the cost of rent in a city like Los Angeles where a nice 1-bedroom apartment would cost you over a thousand dollars, lodgings in Bali can be considered very inexpensive. For the same amount, you could get a place with a beautiful view of Balinese rice paddies, a private swimming pool and beautiful gardens. How’s that for getting the best cheap Bali villa rental?

How to get the Best Bargains

1. Avoid the peak tourist season. During the peak season all prices go up – including rentals. Places which are leased for 1000 US dollars monthly could easily be on the market for 1300 dollars when everyone is headed for Bali. Hotels and villas in the urban centers would be especially hard to get at a bargain. Do try going to Bali when it is not the peak season. After all, there is a peak season in Bali not because of Bali weather (this is the same throughout the year) but because it is vacation time in Japan, China, Europe and the United States.

2. Be open to the idea of sharing a villa. A luxurious four bedroom villa during off season would cost less than 2000 US dollars for a whole month. With this would come housekeeping services, internet and a television per room, a continental breakfast, a private swimming pool and lovely gardens. Shared four ways, this would only cost 500 US dollars per person. If that isn’t cheap, what is?

Tip: When you are planning a vacation, doing it online is very efficient. Online travel sites are one of the easiest ways to put together your entire travel itinerary.

3. Get referrals from people who have been there. It is often possible to get the best bargains from private families who have a villa or two that they maintain and rent out personally. This is also the best chance you have of really enjoying local color. So, do find out from people who have been there if they know villas for rent owned by individuals rather than big, corporate hotels.

There are good bargains waiting for you in Bali, that beautiful island paradise. However, keep in mind that when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Remember that realistic expectations are your best guide in finding a cheap but good place to stay in Bali.

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