Knowhow-Now Article

How To Have The Best Wedding Reception

Weddings are life events that are looked forward to. It is the union of two people committing to sharing a life together “till death do they part.” It is a magical moment that carries profound meaning, symbolism, and promises. Thus, it calls for a celebration – a solemn rite that is followed by a wedding lavish reception.

Everyone wants the best wedding that money can buy and can afford. The truth, however, is that not everyone can afford that kind of wedding. Therefore, for every amount of money, time, and effort spent on preparations, one hopes to get the best out of it. Aside from the ceremony, the reception is another part of the wedding that is most planned. It is usually the time when all the toasts and speeches are made.

The Reception

Imagine a feast to celebrate the union of two hearts for a life together for keeps. This party is full of appreciation in which family and the closest friends of the newlyweds can celebrate the occasion together. It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the start of a life together. This is one time when everyone can have a few drinks, and the traditional tossing and catching of the bridal bouquet and the cutting of the cake are all done. The making of the toasts and speeches by the best man, maid of honor, the parents, and the closest friends and family also mark this.

Tip: You can a choose a menu that combines the best of both families and their culture. Another alternative is to offer ethnic dessert or drink options to the menu.

In addition, because the wedding reception is the best part where everyone present can take an active part, it is most enjoyable and memorable. Thus, the couple also makes sure that it will turn out to be a celebration like no other. What must you do to have the best wedding reception that can be kept in the trove of treasures?

Catering services

Tip: Make sure that your wedding is planned down to the smallest of details so there will be no unexpected surprises. You want all your guests to be excited and constantly interacting with what you have planned on your special day.

It is always important in every party to have good food. Nevertheless, good food is not enough when it comes to weddings, only the best should be served during these once in a lifetime occasion. This is the reason why taste tests are conducted before the wedding or before the wedding reception. This is the time when the bride and groom can choose what type of food they want to be served during their special day.


Tip: You can use Craigslist to locate talent in your area. Don't pay any of your responders a penny until you meet with them personally, and always have your betrothed accompany you, for safety's sake.

Another big factor when it comes to the reception of weddings is the venue or the place where the reception is to be held. Usually receptions happen in gardens or in convention and function halls. Sometimes hotels are also a great place as well as beach and poolside venues.

Wherever the reception is held it is important that is near the place where the ceremony is held. This makes it easy for the guests who do not need to travel far. Sometimes receptions happen at the exact same place as the weddings. The venue should also be large enough to cater to all the guests. Sometimes the biggest mistakes that happen during weddings are that the venue is too small and the number of guests is too big for the venue.


Cutting the cake is a one of the most traditional parts of the reception; it takes center stage in the venue of the reception. The bride and the groom simultaneously cut the cake and share it. This is why the cake should look and taste good. The only way that a bride and a groom can get a great tasting and good looking cake is by searching for local bakeshops or cake shops that can make the cake of their dreams. They can decide on how many layers the cake will have as well as the design and the type of cake it is made of.

The Theme and Design

It is also important that the venue of the reception is properly organized and decorated according to the theme. The design must blend in with the type of venue and the theme or scheme of the wedding.

Weddings are costly, but it is always important to remember that these are significant milestones in lives. Therefore, the man and the woman to be married must prepare themselves emotionally, physically and psychologically. To have the best wedding reception, ceremony, and honeymoon, the couple must also be financially ready before embarking on this new chapter of their lives.

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