Knowhow-Now Article

How To Keep Sane While Traveling With Children

Traveling with children can be very difficult. Long plane, car, and train rides can leave children bored, and cause them to act up. Additionally, disagreements can occur, and tantrums can leave you embarrassed in a new place. Though many parents can find it frustrating, traveling with children can be a wonderful experience for them. This article will give you some tips for entertaining your traveling children while on the road, allowing you to keep your sanity as you travel.

Bring along a variety of activities. Travel board games, magnetic checkers, stuffed animals, handheld video games, books for reading, activity books, and small puzzles (not jigsaw puzzles, necessarily-- think brainteasers and small puzzles). Consider bringing a portable DVD player, with DVDs of your child's favorite movies or television programs. Consider bringing a movie set or filmed in the location you will be visiting, and have them point out interesting locations for you to visit while on your trip.

Tip: It's important to plan ahead when traveling by air. Major airports can be difficult to get to because of long traffic delays.

Play games to pass time more quickly. The license plate game, road-trip bingo, and I Spy are all great classic road trip games. Other games like Slug Bug or Punch Buggy, Cruiser Bruiser, Yellow Car, Smart Car Slap, and Coach Bus are all classic variations of a 'punch when you see a certain car' games that children of all ages love.

Take along plenty of drinks and snacks. Travel juice, such as the kind that comes in a box or pouch, are all great ideas, as well as small bottles of water. Fun-sizes of certain snacks, 100-calorie packs, and to-go versions of your child's favorite snacks are probably all readily available and will keep them sated throughout your trip.

Tip: Exchanging currency abroad is highly discouraged. There are other, easier ways to exchange cash for foreign currency.

Dress your children in comfortable traveling clothing, like sweatpants or jeans, and non-itchy clothing. Have them wear shoes that slide off easily if they will be sitting in a car for a long period of time, and give them a sweatshirt that they can take off or put on as they get warm or cold.

Play music to fill silence. Include a mix of music you both enjoy, such as music from their favorite shows, movies, and artists, as well as classics you enjoy and upbeat music that will keep you awake and alert.

Tip: Get in a workout before boarding your flight. Long airplane trips can be tiring to your body.

Consider taking more frequent breaks as your travel to give your child a chance to run around, explore, and see the scenery. If you are driving, consider stopping frequently at roadside attractions, scenic overlooks, or big cities. Visit zoos, amusement parks, museums, farms, and other venues that will allow you to take a tour or take a break from the monotony of driving. Even if you cannot find any of the roadside attractions listed above, you can stop at small-town parks and have your child play on playgrounds, should you not be in a hurry.

As mentioned in the beginning of this article, travel with a child can be a great experience-- but bored children can make a long trip three times as long. By applying the simple, easy tips from this article, you can keep your children-- and yourself-- busy and happy as you travel.

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