Knowhow-Now Article

Being far apart puts a lot of pressure on a couple. Feeling like you’re not part of your partner’s life and not being able to properly share the things that are happening in yours can strain even the strongest relationship. However, there are some things you can do to make a long distance relationship easier.

Firstly, talk to your partner and agree when the long distance will end. The most depressing thing about being apart is the feeling that things are never going to change, leaving you stuck in limbo forever. Even if you can't work out an exact date, having an idea of what it would take to change things will give you proactive things to work on and comfort that it isn't forever. Taking time to sit down with your partner and talk this through so you're both on the same page is one of the most important things you can do.

Make sure you schedule plenty of visits. Even if you're busy with work, school, family, or anything else. If the time you spend apart is punctuated by lots of time together, it won't seem so difficult. Work out your priorities and consider if there are things in your life which can give way to let you spend time together. Also, remember that it's okay to sometimes be frivolous and splash out. Although last-minute train tickets are costly, the pleasure a spur-of-the-moment visit can bring can be worth it.

Consider doing the same thing but apart. See the same film at different cinemas, cook the same thing for dinner, go for a walk to your nearest lakes and skip stones. This can be a great way to feel close to your partner and give you something to talk about other than just how much you miss each other.

Talking to each other frequently is obviously incredibly important. If you're going to be living apart for a long time, it's worth upgrading your phone plan so you have unlimited minutes. Also, look around for the best broadband deals and download a programme like Skype or Facetime for intimate video chats. Instant messaging and texting are good ways to feel involved in the day-to-day life of your partner, but it's also good to set aside longer periods for proper conversations, and treat these as importantly as real dates.

Even when things get tough and it's been too long since your last visit, try hard to stay positive about each other and your relationship. It's easy to feel jealous about your partner's activities when you don't know the people and places they're talking about and it seems like you are very far apart. Recognise that these feelings are normal, and try not to become possessive and interrogate them endlessly about where they are going and what they're doing. Understand that they probably feel the same way about your activities.

The most important thing to remember is that this is all just suggestions. What is really important in a long distance relationship—as in any relationship—is to talk to your partner and discover the things which will work for you.

Jesse Wallace writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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