Knowhow-Now Article

How To Make Appropriate And Memorable Wedding Speeches

A friend of yours is getting married and he or she has invited you to give a speech on the wedding day. It’s actually an honor. This means the couple values the part you have played in their lives. Moreover, they are counting on you to contribute to a milestone event that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

However, the last thing you want is to make a mess out of your speech. Now the question is how can you make your speech a success? Well, for one thing, it would do you well to find out some basic facts first. Ask the couple if you would be proposing a specific toast, and if so, to whom will it be directed. Will it be for the bride or the groom? You could also ask if the speech you’ll be giving is a response to a toast that was given previously. Ask them to which toast will you be responding to.

Tip: If you are on a budget, consider scheduling your reception for around lunchtime. People don't tend to overdo it on the alcohol during this time of day, which saves you money on beer.

Since wedding guests have the tendency to get bored with long speeches than wander off the point, ask the couple how long your speech should be. Will you give the speech while the guests are eating or will you give the speech afterwards? Will someone introduce you before you give your speech? If that is the case, then you need to give a few details about yourself (how to couple knows you, how you’re related to them, or how much you know about the couple). These are important so the emcee, or whoever is going to call you out, can introduce you properly.
Most importantly, as the bride and groom what they expect you to say. Do you need to thank anyone in your speech? Are there details they want you to leave out since someone else will cover these in his or her speech? You need to get answers to these questions before you prepare your speech.
When giving a speech at a wedding, it would be a good idea to mention a few funny anecdotes. Perhaps you and the couple are close and you have shared many fond memories together. You can mention some of these in your speech. Nevertheless, never mention anything that you think is too personal. In addition, refrain from divulging details that are or may be embarrassing to the couple. Remember, it is their special day. You are not there to douse cold water on a very meaningful event.

When it comes to deciding whether you should use notes or not, bear in mind that it will all depend on you – you’re confidence level, your experience when it comes to speaking in public, and how good you are when it comes to giving speeches regardless of length. If you think you have it in you to speak extemporaneously, then there’s no need for notes. However, if you have the tendency to clam up when in front of many people, jot down a few points or make an outline on one or two palm cards. Never make the mistake of memorizing your speech. Giving it naturally is much better, as it allows you to make eye contact with your audience and give hand gestures when needed. Besides, nothing beats a speech that is given as if you’re just sharing good words with your best friend.

Of course, it is always best to practice your speech in front of a small audience before the actual event. A few friends or family members will do, since they can critique your speech and tell you whether you need to improve on it or not. That way, you can polish your speech in time for the wedding. Once your name is called, you’d be strutting down the stage without any trace of nerves showing off.

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