Knowhow-Now Article

It’s not wrong to say that a logo design is the face and personality of a company. The same holds true for all the industries in the world.

The biggest challenge that a logo designer faces is to make a design compassionate enough to draw attention and contemporary enough to be fashionable.

So, if you are trying to create a building logo design and want to make it fashionable and appealing, here are the below mentioned tips:

You can use these tips whether you are creating a monogram for a construction business or an architectural company. The main objective of your brand mark should be to appeal to a wide range of audience and assure them that you are innovative yet professional.

• Use Images Related To Architecture:

Images are the central focus of a monogram. That is why you should make sure that the pictures you choose for your brand mark should portray the true essence of your company. Here, you should use pictures that are related to architectural and structural designs. For example, you can craft an image of a building created from LEGO. Similarly you can use illustrations of playing blocks for your trademark.

• Use Green Color:

The use of this color in the corporation trademarks is the latest fashion. Green color signifies that you care about the environment. This will create a soft corner for your corporation in the viewers’ minds. You can use this color for the image or the text in the brand mark.

• Use the blank spaces in the image smartly:

A smart design is always appealing. For that you should make sure that the empty spaces in your monogram have been utilized wisely. For example, if your emblem consists of the letter ‘H’ then you can insert a silhouette of a building within that letter. That way the empty space in the letter will be cleverly utilized. This will create an overall smart impression of your business mark identity.

• Keep The Fonts Straight And Bold:

Try to use straight and bold fonts for the business name. This shows that your corporation is professional and proficient.

• Use 3 Dimensional Effects:

To show the viewers that your corporation is up-to-date with the latest styles, you should use 3 dimensional effects in your company image. This will also give you a greater margin for creativity as far as crafting your building logo is concerned.

• Use Company Initials In The Brand Mark Instead Of The Whole Business Name:

Instead of using the entire business name in the trademark sign, you should only use the initials. This will make your emblem easy to read and remember.

In conclusion, follow the below mentioned tips and create an emblem that is smart, contemporary and compassionate.

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