Knowhow-Now Article

How To Really Break Even In Vegas

If you're thinking about a Vegas Vacation you are probably thinking about casinos. Most people who have ever gambled harbor no fantasies of striking it rich when going and playing in casinos. Most of us know the ultimate goal is to go in, play a while, have some fun, get some comps, and go home with about what you walked in with.

Many who gamble on a regular basis no to only bring in a certain amount of money and to not mix gambling money with money that is earmarked for other things. There are a few things that those who are new to the world of gambling can do in order to avoid spending more than you intended. Anyone who has spent much time in a casino will tell you that it is easy to get your money mixed up and end up spending every dime you walked in with thinking you had more money hidden elsewhere.

Tip: When vacationing in a foreign country, be careful what you eat. You need to know the language's food related words, particularly if you have bad reactions to foods.

That being said there is a profound difference in a casual gambler and someone that is willing and expecting to come in and make a hefty investment in the casino. These investments sometimes pay off big time for those who can afford to lose the money. They also can end up costing them big time and taking a while to recover. I recommend starting light.

Hopefully these tips will help you go home with a little money in your pocket.

Tip: Be aware that in some foreign cities many criminals will pose as policemen. Be sure your passport is in your possession at all times, and never give it to anyone.

1) Set a spending limit for each day and night of your stay. This sounds simple enough but it you'd be surprised at how difficult this bargain you've made with yourself can be to keep.

2) Bring only that amount of money into the casino with you and bring it in cash.

Tip: Traveling is a great way to educate your family. Even taking a trip to a developing nation can be a safe way to teach kids about the lives of people outside their home country.

3) Lock all other ATM, Debit, and credit cards in your room safe along with any traveler's checks and other cash that you have. This prevents the temptation to get one more twenty or fifty until they are all gone. This sounds like a little bit of overkill and people often think they have plenty of self control but there is something about a casino, I swear you sometimes loose every bit of common sense you had when you walk in the door. This prevents you from getting in over your head and taking desperate measures.

4) Set a time limit for your casino fun and when that time limit is up for the evening/day get up from the table and leave the casino whether you are on the hottest winning streak of your life or not. Winning streak ultimately end at some point it is better to leave on a high note and have a little extra money to play with the next night (or better yet to take home with you). Leaving at a set time prevents you from getting over tired and making poor decisions based on the altered state of being sleep deprived.

Tip: There are many beautiful vistas and unusual fauna and flora in a desert. Deserts are quite memorable destinations to new travelers and nobody should have to pass up a chance to see their natural beauty during their lifetime.

5) Win and lose graciously. It will earn you a lot more respect from staff and the other players and you may find them wishing you luck because of your graciousness. In Vegas you can never have too much luck but woe to those whose luck has run out.

Believe it or not, these five things can save your more money and win you more friends than almost anything other than a super hot winning streak.

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