Knowhow-Now Article

Customers’ order data, pending payments, leads in the pipeline; it all boils down to the extensive data you hold. Needless to say, that your data is as good as you being able to retrieve it and use it effectively. If your data, processes and applications are disparate it creates a chaos in the company. You need to bring order out of confusion for smooth functioning of your company to handle customer queries more effectively. Integration solutions can certainly help you delight your customers’ mainly in three ways:

Transparent processes: When you integrate your customer’s data with your back-end system, your staff and the customer both get an easy access to the data. Similarly you can integrate third party data too with your system. Say, you have your logistic partner’s data integrated to your back-end system. When any of your customer calls up to know about their order, you can instantly track it and satisfy your customer’s query. Still further, with the help of an expert integration solution provider, you can provider for a system through which your customers can track their order by simply logging into your system. This way you add value to your customers and up their trust in your system.

Awe-inspiring agility: When your data and systems are integrated with centralized processes, it becomes a matter of seconds to retrieve data from your data warehouse. Say, your customer places a new order with you. Since all your systems run on a unified process, it is easy for you to haul out the client’s order history and add this new order too. Certainly your customers will be taken in by your system’s agility.

Save time in transferring records: Through extract, transfer and load (ETL) services, you can extract data from a distant source, make it compatible to your system and transfer it to your system. Finally you can get it loaded onto your system and use it for your business operations. Data is best when kept simple. While transferring the data you can cleanse and validate the data to meet your requirements. When a company undergoes merger or acquisition, applications and systems needs to be integrated into the newly formed company. Expert integration solutions can help you to seamlessly shift to the new systems without having to affecting your productivity.

Integration solutions get you robust data on your database and help you to carry out your business process effectively. And in the way you create happy customers.

Rising Tides Solutions, LLC (RTS) is a prominent provider of integration solution.The company provides data, application and system integration services at affordable prices.To know more about the company and its services visit,

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