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Ideas For A Successful Wedding!

When you're planning a wedding, there are a lot of things to juggle. It can be a tough task even with the help of friends, family and experienced wedding planners. Here are some great tips to make sure you feel confident about every aspect of your wedding, from the centerpieces to the rental fees.

Tip: When you are getting married you should pick a festive theme for your wedding. Having a themed wedding adds interest to your special day.

One consideration many people don't think about when planning a wedding is how they will keep underage guests from drinking. This activity is illegal and you never know who might call the police on your event, especially the people who own the venue you're using! Protect everyone from prosecution and let the bartender know who shouldn't be served.

Tip: Keep your flowers simple to avoid higher prices. If you can get by with just an arrangement of flowers rather than an elaborate piece that is designed by the florist, then you will alleviate one of the greater costs of the flowers.

Since the price of gold is continuing to rise, try have your weddings rings created with some other popular metals. There is stainless steel, titanium, platinum, tungsten, and silver, and more. These can be beautiful, cheaper, and unexpected when paired with whatever you choose to wear at the wedding. It's time for something a little different.

Tip: If something goes wrong on your wedding day, don't freak out! My cake fell over on the way to my ceremony, and both the best man and woman were unable to attend. In the end, those people are no longer in my life and my new best woman was a cake decorator who was able to fix the cake.

Decide on a child policy for your wedding and stick to it. Keep it the same for everyone but you need to realize that some of your guests may get upset if they see that someone was allowed to bring their child when they were not. You can either allow children to attend, have an adult only wedding or provide child care at your event.

Tip: A tradition linked to weddings is the gift registry. For a pleasant atmosphere, you should make your guest understand that they do not have to bring anything.

Find out what sort of paperwork you need to complete to get married FAR in advance of the actual wedding day. Some states require all sorts of things from blood tests to divorce paperwork to proof of vaccinations! Make sure to enquire in the state you're getting married in, and if that is somewhere other than where you live, double check at home to see what they require for the marriage license to be valid.

Tip: To save money on your wedding photographer, consider hiring a student. Someone who is just learning the trade might charge you significantly less, or even provide services for free.

The worst thing that can come out of a wedding is a huge debt. Don't overlook your budget when choosing items for your big day. If you are cash-strapped, look for savings like having your family cater the event or do all the photography. At worst you can ask for cash in lieu of gifts to help offset the costs.

Tip: Make a list of all your priorities for the wedding. Write down everything you would like to have at your wedding and then put each item into one of three categories: essential, important and not necessary.

If you are planning a big family wedding, be sure to assign roles for people in your family during the wedding. Honoring and thanking the people involved are very important. Make sure that moms, dads, grandparents, and other important people are given a role that they are comfortable with doing.

Tip: If you have a lower budget for your wedding, don't include flowers in your decorations. For centerpieces you can use branches you find on a walk in the forest, and surround the containers you put them in with stones from a nearby river or creek.

If you are getting married, and you do not know how to dance, you may want to consider taking dance lessons. All eyes are going to be on you during the reception, especially during the first dance, and you want to make sure that you leave a good impression on your guests.

Tip: For those seeking a more non-traditional wedding, you may want to consider having it on the beach. It is a beautiful ambiance and can be a lot cheaper than having it elsewhere.

Share your discounts on airline tickets with family and friends who will be attending your destination wedding. If you have Airmiles, see if you can help by purchasing tickets for your family with the reduction in cost thanks to those miles. Ask around with all attendees to see if they can pool their resources and get more discounts!

Tip: If you want an outdoor reception, make sure everybody can hear properly. Perhaps you might need some equipment set up if you cannot find a quiet location.

To avoid the pitfalls of currency exchange for your guests, find out where they have to go to get local funds before they arrive. Take everyone as a group to the location where you can exchange your money and call ahead to ask if they can accommodate everyone at the same time, maybe in a room outside the main area, so they don't have to wait in line.

Hopefully, these tips have given you some peace of mind and helped boost your confidence in your ability to plan your wedding with common sense as well as style. The more you know about how to plan a wedding properly, the more energy you'll have to make sure every single detail is absolutely perfect.

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