Knowhow-Now Article

Network monitoring solution success opens your eyes-and-ears, alerting you to any issues on your network. You can keep track of things like printer supplies, software installations, hard drive space, contract due dates – just about anything you can think of that relates to your network.

Network issues and concerns often result from changes on your network infrastructure. Network monitoring solutions help by alerting IT professionals of unexpected changes as well as allowing you to compare the current state of your network with previous information. Resolutions to new or existing issues can often be found easier with this monitoring software in play!

IT professionals can be alerted by eMail or text when network issues arise which helps them to remain extremely proactive. This not only keeps them on top of potential problems so they can address them as quickly as possible, but it also prevents them from creating an issue.

*** What should I look for in a network monitor solution? ***

While every network is different, there are three areas that any best-of-the-best network monitor should be able to do:

-- Monitoring PC hardware and supplies

-- Monitor Web traffic

-- Tracking IT services info

*** PC hardware and supplies monitored ***

Network device changes need to be known by the IT networking team as they take place. Knowing when there is low disk space, disks are added or removed, connectivity is lost or toner runs low so that swift resolutions can be made available on an as needed bases.

*** Online Traffic Monitoring ***

Networks only have a limited amount of bandwidth for all employees to share. In cases where an employee is accessing more than their fair share of network resources the result is a negative impact leading to decreased productivity by everyone else attempting to use the same network. When network switches are being used this can become a serious issue if the switch accidently is overloaded. Find bottlenecks and distribute devices evenly across the network with an effective network monitoring setup.

*** IT services information tracked ***

There are many things on your network you'll want to track that aren’t necessarily physical objects, such as noting which IT service contracts are set to expire. While you may not think these types of issues are important to network administrators, they actually are in that they can help decrease unnecessary spending. By giving you plenty of advanced notice that your IT contracts are set to expire, you allot yourself plenty of time to shop around and do your research to get the best deals.

How about a network monitoring solution – for free?

If you’d like to try a widely-used %keyword1% that’s free (and save yourself the time and money involved in a major networking monitoring purchase), For a 100% free network monitoring solution that delivers top quality visit Just download our free software for network monitoring, and in just minutes you’ll be able to take inventory of your network and set up monitors to alert you to issues before they become full-scale problems.

Plus they offer free support via eMail, phone and a network community of over 1,200,000 IT professionals.

Get Spiceworks’ free network performance management software now!

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