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Lasik eye surgery is a type of refractive surgery for correcting myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. That means this surgery is an useful alternative to wearing glasses or corrective lenses, which many people dislike wearing. The procedure is similar to other corrective surgical procedures like refractive surgery and photo-refractive keratectomy and is therefore a popular solution to eye sight problems. It involves surgically remodelling the cornea, in particular reshaping its curvature. There are chances that the eye will reject the surgery and slowly return to its original condition but other side effects are minimal.

A cornea transplant is required when a cornea becomes irreversibly damaged, possibly through disease. If for instance a person develops Fuchs dystrophy (a slow progressing corneal disease that is common in patients in their fifties) or Keratoconus (a degenerative disorder which causes the cornea to take on a 'conical' shape) then a cornea transplant is the final solution. This is where donated corneal tissue is grafted onto a damaged eye in order to bring the eye back to full health. Cornea transplants or keratoconus surgery are often classed as two of the most severe treatment options when comes to cornea disease - in most cases, these conditions can be effectively managed by wearing corrective lenses.

There are many clinics within a range of locations. In the main treatment clinics are located in large metropolitan areas such as Sheffield, Glasgow and Leeds. Hence, if you are interested in laser eye surgery, London could be the ideal place to find a surgery. The surgeries are extremely reputable, often leading to longer waiting lists. A positive aspect of this is that the treatment clinic staff have a huge amount of experience. In several cases, they could be officially or unofficially linked up with registered opticians so a simple suggestions is to have a chat with your own optician for their opinion before going to see an eye surgeon.

Macular degeneration is a condition which results in a loss of vision in the centre of the visual field (macula) due to retina damage. As it progresses, macular degeneration usually makes it difficult to recognise faces, however peripheral vision usually remains intact. There are two different types of the disease; dry macular degeneration and wet macular degeneration. The former is caused by an accumulation of cellular debris behind the retina, whilst the latter is more severe and is caused by an usual growth of the blood vessels in the choriocapillaris. As the side-effects of the disease can normally be slowed by taking vitamins or mineral supplements lasik eye surgery is not always the most appropriate treatment method.

Cataracts generally tend to affect the elderly, however it should be remembered that many children also suffer with the condition. They are better known as congenital cataracts and they develop just before or just after birth. The essential feature of the condition is the clouding of the eye, varying in severity from mild clouding to complete opacity. Other symptoms include myopia (caused by increased focus of the lens) a failure to perceive the colour blue and a slow yellowing of the lens itself. Treatment consists of a cataract operation or cataracts surgery. If treatment is not provided loss of vision and even blindness can result. Shrinkage of the lens and swelling can often arise amongst the elderly.

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