Knowhow-Now Article

Understanding Female Infertility

Being a woman has always been connected with the capacity to bring children into this world. Its essence could not be more reinforced by having maternal instinct. In fact, to be a mother was looked upon as the principal role of women as recorded in history  the world over. Hence, female infertility is such a dreaded state that could strongly affect a woman's psyche and emotions.

Just what is female infertility? Female fertility is a medical condition where women do not get pregnant for a particular reason. It could be due to hormonal problems, physical deformities, stresses or unhealthy lifestyles. An alarming symptom of infertility  is repeated miscarriages. Other symptoms are physical deformations leading to blockages of the fallopian tubes, and irregular ovulation.

Women who suspect infertility can figure out if she is ovulating. This could be done in three ways. One can start by  getting the early body temperature using a basal body thermometer that should record a higher reading  on the second half of the menstrual cycle. Additionally, this involves changes in the appearance of the vaginal mucus due to the varying levels of sexual hormones.  Lastly, by using an ovulation predictor test , an over-the-counter urine test, which should yield positive (+) results if the hormone responsible for ovulation falls in on the adequate level.

Unpleasant results would necessitate the visit to a medical practitioner known as obstetrician-gynecologist who can do more tests to affirm infertility.  Some of these are: hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, a surgical procedure to check growths, scarring and presence of polyps and fibroids; hysterosalpingogram which involves use of an x-ray and liquid dye; also, an ultrasound to check the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes for blockages as well as irregularities in size and shape.

Female infertility must be given attention because it is more than just a physical detriment; it is also a psychological and social predicament. It can give a woman reasons to feel insecure and incapable, thus, breed more psychosocial problems. Depression and emotional breakdowns are real possibilities as these may result to further sexual dysfunction, marital discord, and build up of stress if unattended. With medical breakthroughs and interest, however, solutions are within reach.

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