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With the ever changing mobile technology, more and more advanced types of mobile phones are being launched in the market. Mobile phone freaks are always on the lookout of personalising the latest cell phones with coolest features and services. Once used just as a device for communication purposes, mobile phones today serve innumerable services.


The introduction of mobile phones with latest facilities is increasing the expectation of people. The mobile phone manufacturers too are working hard to meet the rising demands of the customers by offering more advanced features. From the power of Internet to music, videos etc are available in the latest mobile phones. These exciting, cool features make them all the more coveted and the coolest item of the gadget world. The best thing about these latest and advanced mobile phones is that technology has not made them complicated. Even a small kid can operate them easily which proves that they are highly user- friendly in nature.


The reason behind the introduction of more and more advanced mobile phones is the tough competition that the mobile manufacturing companies are facing. In order to earn an extra edge, each and every company is striving to upgrade the looks, features and facilities of the existing mobiles. Competition being the most important key to this change, the customers is taking full advantage of this competitive spirit of the companies. Each and every strategy employed by the mobile phone companies is being availed by the customers for their own good.


Apart from upgrading the look and features of the cell phones, these companies also offer a number of attractive mobile phone deals and put the put mobile phones on sale at discounted rates. With every company striving to win the competition, the variety of offers is steadily expanding. For example, mobile phone companies are now introducing phones keeping certain personalities or gender in mind. Therefore, if you purchase a mobile phone, that matches your personality, it would be like owning a custom designed mobile phone. Thus mobile phones today can be classified in groups like men, women, children, business class. The popularity of mobile phones has resulted in its capturing the market of music players, handy cam and even computers.


Almost every mobile phone companies have their portals online which enable customers to browse through the collections and select an item of one’s own choice. But this is resulting in a negative development. People are changing their mobile phones in every six months in order to make a fashion statement. Flaunting latest mobile phones has become the latest trend and is being carried out by more and more people. Desire to own the latest mobile phone has taken the shape of the latest fashion.


Owning the advanced mobile phone can be highly exciting, but then making the only passion of like can lead to serious problems. The same holds for the mobile phone companies. While one company can be in great profits today, it might lose its business to others in the long run in this highly competitive market.


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