Knowhow-Now Article

Law Of Attraction – 5 Things Preventing You From Attracting What You Want

Using the law of attraction to manifest what you desire can be either wonderfully easy, or painfully hard depending on your full awareness. It is very important to become aware of the things that you do want but it is just as necessary to be aware of the things which prevent you from getting what you want.

Here are 5 reasons you may not be successful in attracting what you want.

Tip: Build strong and healthy relationships with good people. The people that you share your life with are going to help you in your journey to a happy life.

1.) Not being in alignment - You must be in alignment with what you do want. To be in alignment with your desires is not always easy. Let’s say that you have a desire to attract twenty thousand dollars but you are flat broke, most everything in your environment speaks poverty. You may be wishing and hoping but everything in your being feels like ten dollars rather than twenty thousand dollars. Your objective then should be to find a way to begin to feel like you are worth twenty thousand dollars. This is the first and most crucial step to activating the law of attraction.

Tip: Don't be afraid to ask for help. This can be one of the most important things to know on your self help journey.

2.) Lack of Focus –This is another hindrance to manifesting what you desire. In order to get the universe to move what you want into your physical reality you must begin to hold a clear and steady focus of what you want all times through out the day.

Tip: When working on personal development it is important to find out exactly what it is that you want to do with your life. If the word life sounds too big, you need to at least have a plan for the next 5 years.

3.) Lack of power with intent – The one thing which generates power with your intention is emotion and feelings. In order for the law of attraction to work quickly with your desires you must first know with great certainly that you do want what you are asking for and you must begin to feel it very deeply. If there are slight feelings of doubt those doubts will work as barriers affecting the attraction process from going in your favor.

Tip: Do not get caught up in pleasures of the flesh. You must crucify your flesh and conquer it in order to make sure you are not letting certain desires consume your life.

4.)Not knowing how reality works – The law of attraction is one of several laws that assist you in manifesting what you desire. There are other laws which cancel out your intention if you are not aware of them or how they work. Manifesting your desires requires that you learn all the necessary parts to get great success with attracting what you want.

Tip: Substitute positive surroundings for negative ones. Keep yourself busy and surrounded by people and things that have a positive influence on you.

5.) Surrounding yourself with people or things which contradict what you are creating - This is by far one of the most difficult parts to successfully applying the law of attraction. You see other people’s beliefs and doubts can greatly hamper your ability to manifest what you want. Those people could be family members, co-workers or friends. The universal law of attraction moves on vibration and other people’s vibration can have a great effect on your own personal vibration causing you to attract based on the vibration of the group you are sounded by.

As you can see there are many parts to the attraction process not all being fully understood by most people.

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