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Law Of Attraction Classics: Practical Mental Influence Attracting Thought Waves

Then again there is another feature of the case that we must not lose sight of, and that is the Attraction between minds, by virtue of which one draws to himself the Thought-Waves of others whose thoughts are in accord with his own.

The contrary is true, for there is Repulsion between the minds of persons and the Thought-Waves of others whose thoughts are not in accord with his own.

Tip: Take multiple vacations per year, even if they are small 3 to 4 day vacations over a weekend. Life is too terribly short to waste all of your days working for someone else.

The contrary is true, for there is Repulsions between the minds of persons and the Thought-Waves of others antagonistic to their thoughts. To quote a well-worn and much-used expression to illustrate this truth, "Like attracts Like," and "Birds of a Feather flock together."

Tip: If you are experiencing depression, you should turn to people you trust. It's important to remember, your family and friends will be there for you and want to help you.

There is ever in operation this marvelous law of Attraction and Repulsion of Mental Energy - Persons allowing their thoughts to run along certain lines, and permitting the feelings to be expressed in certain ways, draw to themselves the Thought-Waves and mental influences of others keyed to the same mental key-note. And likewise they repel the waves and influences of an opposing nature.

This is an important fact to remember in one's everyday life. Good attracts Good and repels Evil. Evil attracts Evil and repels Good. The predominant Mental Attitude serves to attract similar influences and to repel the opposing ones. Therefore watch carefully the character and nature of your thoughts - cultivate the desirable ones and repress the undesirable ones. Verily "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

Tip: Volunteer your time for something that pertains to your church or community. This doesn't mean you have to volunteer all of your free time.

Some Thought-Waves sent forth with but little strength travel slowly and do not proceed very far from their place of emanation, but creep along like some smoke or fog, lazily and yielding. Other thoughts charged with a greater intensity of desire or will, dart forth vigorously like an electric spark, and often travel great distances.

Tip: One of the most important ways you can take care of yourself both mentally and physically stems from being a healthy individual. This means you need to monitor and be mindful of your nutritional intake as well as be active and exercise on a regular basis.

The weak Thought-Waves do not last a very long time, but fade away or become neutralized or dissipated by stronger, forces. But the strong thoughts persist for a long time, retaining much of their vitality and energy.

In the same manner the Thought-Waves of a person will continue to vibrate around him wherever he goes, and those coming in contact with him will be impressed by the character of his vibrations in this way. Some men send forth gloomy vibrations in this way. Some men send forth gloomy vibrations, which you feel when you come in contact with them.

Tip: One of the best things you can do for your mind personally is to continue taking classes. It doesn't have to be for a degree or a certain occupation.

Others radiate good-cheer, courage and happiness, which conditions are induced in those with whom they come in contact. Many people will manifest these qualities so strongly that one can notice the effect the moment such persons enter a room. They carry their atmosphere with them, and the same is induced in the minds of others around them.

Tip: When working on your personal development be sure to keep a positive attitude. It may seem hard as you are trying to improve things that you view as negative, but put a positive spin on it, as negativity will make it less likely that you will succeed in making the changes you want to make.

In the same way some people carry with them vibrations of Will-Power and Masterfulness that beat upon the minds of others, making them feel the power of such persons and conquering their own will-power and changing their desires.

Others manifest a strong power of Fascination or Attraction, in a similar manner which tends to draw others to them and to their desires and wishes. Not only does this principle operate in the phase of general mental atmospheres, but also in the phase of direct personal influence.

All forms of Mental influence operate along the lines of Mental induction, as herein described. The principle is the same in all cases and instances, although the manner of operation varies according to the particular phase of the phenomena manifested. Remember this as we proceed, and you will be able to understand the subject much better.

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