Knowhow-Now Article

Learn How To Promote Your Business Through Articles.

Article marketing is one of the best, most honest ways to improve your business's online presence. At its core, article marketing involves sharing your valuable expertise with potential customers. Being willing to share this way is just the start of the process, though. Read on to discover some ways to make your article marketing efforts really pay off.

Check out your competition. To ensure that you will be gaining readers, research those blogs and websites that offer similar articles to your own. Find out what they are doing, and figure out a way to do it better. Giving a reader something that they cannot anywhere else is a sure way to keep them coming back to you.

Success in article marketing revolves around the content that you are publishing. Publish writings about any topic that is going to fit your preference, need or a solution to the issues that many readers may have. How-to articles are going quite well on many sites, so give them a go.

Tip: Keep your reader interested from the beginning of your article, until the end. Use real life stories when possible and try to "paint a picture".

Article marketing - try using sentence variation in your articles! Don't just use all long or all short sentences in your paragraphs. Use a bit of variety in your sentences, a mixture of both long and short sentences works well. It will keep a flow that your readers can easily get into, and then they'll want to read to the end of your content.


You always need to be honest and trustworthy. Many people are not willing to completly trust anything they read online. If you have advertisments for products that you don't really believe in, your readers will be able to tell, and have more negative thoughts about what you are writing.

Tip: If you aim to promote your online articles, you must have an article marketing goal. If you don't have a goal, you have nothing to work towards, so you will likely not be successful in your article marketing attempts.

Name a list or include numbers in your title. Studies have shown that most people are more likely to read something if it offers a list-style format or offers you a number of ways to do something. Take advantage of this, when both writing your article and choosing a title, to secure the most readers.

When you are writing for article marketing, information is key. You should not forget that the main reason anyone wants to read your article is to gain information. Your article should have information, and it should be relevant. The information you include should also be as timely as possible.

If you have time on your hands and you are a good writer, avoid outsourcing the writing of your marketing articles. Many freelance writers are very talented, but too often when you outsource your work, you receive articles that are written in broken English by people who do not relate to your target audience.

Tip: A large part of article marketing is creating content that can effectively convince readers who fall within your target market that there is a need for your specific product or service. Therefore, the most effective way to reach readers is to find out what type of content and reading material your target market finds enjoyable.

Article Directories

One way to avoid being rejected by article directories when writing your article about a particular product or service is to only mention it once in the resource box. Most services automatically reject any article which mentions an item more than once, so write a general article about why that product or service would be helpful and then mention it directly in your resource box.

Publish articles in as many of the free top 10 article directories as possible. Make sure your articles are unique and well written. Familiarize yourself with the submission requirements of each directory, as well as its terms and conditions. Some directories have minimum word counts, and one, Buzzle, will not accept an article that has been published anywhere else on the web prior to their publication of it.

Tip: It may seem obvious, but it's highly important to check your spelling and grammar before you submit your articles. Go over them several times.

Try using some social marketing websites to market your articles, instead of just using article directories. Try using pages like Hub Pages and Squidoo. As long as you have well-written content, you can garner a lot of readers from these sites because they already get high amounts of daily traffic.

Understand that when it comes to article marketing, it may not be possible to have your cake and eat it too. Submitting your article to multiple article directories and collections may increase exposure, but it may affect search result relevance by appearing as duplicate content in search engine analysis. According to most search engine algorithms, duplicate content may lead to less favorable search result rankings.

Affiliate Links

Tip: Add personality to your articles to make them more entertaining to read. There are several ways to accomplish this.

To make income on your written articles, you need to make sure that you have your own website. It's okay to have a 1000 word article, as long as you keep the articles that you submit to article directories around 500 or 700 words. You can also have offers and affiliate links on your own site to grab your reader's attention so as to make your site more valuable to your customers.

Writing articles is a great way to cultivate a reputation for trustworthiness and expertise in your field. When you decide to write, though, you should definitely make sure your articles provide the maximum positive effect for your business. A well-planned article marketing strategy will help you squeeze the most results out of your writing efforts.

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