Knowhow-Now Article

Learn The Secrets Of Foods That Speed Up A Slow Metabolism

By Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson

Though it sounds almost too good to believe, there really are foods that speed up a slow metabolism that are readily available in every grocery store. You may already be eating some of them without even knowing it. The more foods that speed up a slow metabolism that you eat, the hotter your internal fat-melting furnace burns, and the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off. By incorporating these superfoods into your diet, you'll make it easier to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.

Salmon, sardines and tuna are great sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, which will lower the level of a hormone called leptin in your body. Studies show that it's easier to lose and keep off weight when your leptin levels are lower, rather than higher. There are other benefits to eating fish, as well, like the cancer-fighting and healthy-heart properties of Omega 3.

Foods rich in protein like eggs, lean meats, beans and even peanut butter will boost your metabolism. Protein is a necessary building block for our bodies and it's vitality important in keeping a metabolism going. Of these foods that speed up a slow metabolism, peanut butter gets unfairly criticized as a bad food choice. But with any food, moderation is key. You can enjoy peanut butter in moderation and still lose weight steadily, or avoid gaining any lost weight back. Peanut butter can be a healthy addition to your diet, with its good fats and metabolism-boosting protein.

Tip: Chunky soups are a great way to stay true to your diet program. It's not a good idea to drink all of your calories.

if you eat right, you will lose weight

Other foods that speed up a slow metabolism include foods containing hot peppers like jalapeño, cayenne or habanero. Spicy foods make your body run hotter for up to 3 hours. They're thermogenic, in that just the act of digesting them speeds your metabolism.

Whole grains like oatmeal boost metabolism by being slow to digest. This gives you the feeling of being full longer, and serves to keep blood sugar levels on an even keel. This keeps minimal amounts of insulin in your bloodstream, and keeps your body from going into fat-storing overdrive. High levels of insulin are linked to metabolic syndrome symptoms like obesity, belly fat, and high blood pressure among others. So whole grains should be a vital part of your diet for many reasons, not just because they're one of the top foods that speed up a slow metabolism.

Tip: Mashed cauliflower makes a healthy substitute for mashed potatoes. Cook them in a pot that is covered with water and some onion that is chopped.

Olive oil is one of the foods that speed up a slow metabolism thanks to its load of Omega-3 acids. It's a great source of good monounsaturated fat, the kind of good fat your body has to have, too.

Don't forget that exercise boosts your metabolism in a more permanent way, by increasing active muscle tissue throughout your body. And eating in itself keeps your metabolism stoked. Never skip meals, especially not breakfast, that's like refusing to put logs on a fire but expecting it to keep burning anyway. And add these foods that speed up a slow metabolism to your diet to bring you closer to your goals.

Whole grains like oatmeal boost metabolism by being slow to digest. This gives you the feeling of being full longer.

eat the right stuff to lose weight

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