Knowhow-Now Article

MRSA The Infection That Never Leaves

Many individuals will tell you that MRSA infections return. Even when treated with antibiotic and seemingly "cured", infections can return later. The infections can spread through family members. MRSA infections leaves your immune system weakened so the individual is susceptible to other illnesses. The MRSA bacterium loves to live in the nasal passages of individuals. We touch our nose and then touch other body parts spreading the MRSA bacteria to other parts of our body or to other persons that we touch or to surfaces that are then touched by others.

The best way to prevent the spread of MRSA is to wash hands after touching any other person, any other surface or before eating and also after going to the bathroom. Hand washing must be more than just a quick soap and rinse. There needs to be a scrubbing of all the surfaces including fingers, palm, top of hand, and wrist in warm soapy water for at least 15 to 20 seconds. Then the hands need to be rinsed thoroughly and dried with a paper towel or hand dryer. Paper towels should be used to flush toilets, turn off faucets, and open doors. Proper hand washing technique should be taught to all individuals especially in daycare centers, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, sporting events and in the home.

Doctors should inform patients about MRSA so that they can take precautions at school, work and in the home. It is important to prevent the spread of MRSA and this means that everyone must be aware of what it is and how to prevent it from spreading to their families. New treatments must be utilized despite the expense to save lives. Hospitals must take steps to control the spread of this infection and to do all that they can to protect those patients most vulnerable (those with compromised immune systems, those with cardiac issues and the elderly).

Medical communities must be willing to risk telling the truth to their patients so that they can do all they can to prevent unnecessary exposure. All childcare workers, hospital personnel, teachers and nursing home staff should be instructed in proper care of those who become ill and especially how to prevent others from becoming ill. This includes the ability to recognize the signs of MRSA.

Proper care should be taken to disinfect all surfaces and equipment to prevent the spread of bacteria. All methods to decrease the spread of airborne bacteria should be used in all public places. It cannot be stressed enough the importance of proper hand washing as it is key to preventing the spread of MRSA.

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