Knowhow-Now Article

Make Road Trips Fun For Everyone

Anticipating a long road trip with children can strike fear in the heart of parents. The journey does not need to be punctuated with often repeated questions about how much longer and "are we there yet?" A bit of planning ahead can make the time fly for the kids, and give the parents the opportunity to enjoy the scenery. Use this article as a guide to planning an enjoyable trip for everyone.

There are many things children can be occupied with during a long ride, and the choices will depend on the age of the kids. Small children typical spend a few hours sleeping, but they may want a snack when they awake. Use small baggies for finger-type food so the child can have a treat without spilling snacks into the car. Make sure to include sipper cups for drinks, but do not fill the cup full.

Tip: When traveling, you should pack light, and plan where you want to go and what you want to do. Planning will allow you to be sure that you will have as much fun as possible during the trip.

If your children are past the toddler stage, they can pass a lot of time playing with toys they enjoy. Pick out a few small toys that you know your children enjoy, or take them shopping and allow them to choose a toy they exhibit a strong interest in. Stash the toy away and only give it to them once you are on the road.

Some newer cars have DVD players that can be viewed from the rear seat. If you have that option, choose a few DVD's that you know your kids like to watch again and again, or buy a new one that you know they will be interested in.

Tip: A desert typically contains beautiful vegetation and animals that often are not seen anywhere else. There is something especially memorable about deserts for the first-time visitor, and no one should go their entire lives without experiencing the austere majesty of the desert.

Even if your kids are teens, they will want snacks to break up the boredom of riding. Pack some of their favorite snacks and drinks, but do not allow them to drink a lot of liquids unless you want to be making lots of potty stops.

Break up the trip a couple times with stops that include an area where the kids can run off some energy. Most major highways have rest stops along the way, and a lot of them include a small park with outdoor play equipment for children. Use the rest stop as a place to have a quick picnic, as well as the obvious purpose of using the restroom.

Tip: When traveling internationally, use bottled water. You can contract a variety of illnesses by drinking the unpurified water of other countries.

Children of any age seem quite able to sleep while riding in a car. Plan your trip to begin late in the day so when the kids run out of things to do for their entertainment, they can just fall asleep. If the driver has no objections to driving after dark, this can be a very good option. Many times the traffic is much lighter during the night, and if the driver needs a break, the other parent can drive for a few hours. While the parents may arrive at their destination in need of a few hours of sleep, the kids will be well-rested and happy.

Traveling with children can be a challenge but if the parents plan carefully, the whole family can enjoy the experience. Use the tips in this article to make your next family road trip less stressful and more fun.

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