Knowhow-Now Article

Making Travel With Children Less Stressful

Kids who travel tend to be more worldly, accepting and caring. They know the world is a big place with many different kinds of people, and that drives them to learn all they can. This experience is one you can't replicate at home, but it is necessary to build kids into well-rounded adults. Learn how to ensure that your travels are enjoyable for all involved.

Tip: If you are traveling with your child, carry a photo of your child just in case he or she gets lost. The idea of losing your child likely scares you, but not being prepared is worse.

Kids have a tendency to get hungry and thirsty quickly, so you have to plan for their needs. Bring along drinks and food, if you are allowed. Call the airline to find out if you can bring such items onto the flight. If not, find out what food and drink items are offered on the plane and be sure to bring along enough cash to keep them flowing to your kids. If you are traveling by bus or train, contact the company to find out about their rules, too. If you know what you can and can't do, you will be prepared for anything.

Tip: When you fly, don't expect the airline to cater to your every need, no matter how long the flight is. Bringing a blanket, pillow and headphones with you is a good idea.

Next, kids will get sleepy, so try to book travel around nap schedules. If you can make it so that your child sleeps through the entire journey that is one less thing you have to worry about. That said, kids don't always follow their nap schedule when exciting things are happening, so prepare for the trip as if your child won't sleep a wink.

Tip: Arriving the night before is essential. Staying over at a hotel that customarily allows their patrons to leave their vehicles there during their cruise is a smart move.

For kids who are awake and bored, you need to bring things to do. Bring pencil crayons and paper, but don't forget a pencil sharpener and a bag for shavings. Bring books to read along with videos on a computer tablet. Don't forget a charge cable and headphones! Also bring toys, but only if they're too big to loose yet small enough to be enjoyable while strapped in a seat. If you plan to travel by plane, train or bus, they will supply you a pillow if your child takes a nap. If you are going by car, you should bring your own.

Be sure to bring a change of clothes with you wherever you go. You never know when an accident might happen, especially while en route to your destination. Bring it in your carry-on luggage along with wet wipes in case a clean-up is necessary. Don't forget to bring extra tops too, sometimes traveling can cause motion sickness.

Tip: Just keep in mind you will probably pay more and it doesn't really save that much space. Try to find a better and more space efficient way to pack your clothes.

In the end, think of what you do and use every day and try to have it on hand. Diapers, bottles, sippy cups, bandages, hair brush, favorite blanket, it can all be useful. That said, know what your limits are for carry-on luggage so you don't end up paying a huge fee when you board the plane.

Without too much hassle, you can easily make your trip fun for the kids and the adults on board. Whether taking a long drive or a long flight, a bit of planning will make the journey enjoyable. Take the time necessary to do it right and have a great vacation.

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